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The flagship product of the JTS is its Department of Defense Trauma Registry (DoDTR) a web-based data collection tool which supports US military performance improvement initiatives with global collection and aggregation of combat casualty care epidemiology, treatments and outcomes. The trauma data registry captures and documents, in electronic format, information about the demographics, injury-producing incident, diagnosis and treatment, and outcome of injuries sustained by US/Non-US military and US/Non-US civilian personnel in wartime and peacetime from the point of injury (POI) to final disposition. An adjunct to the DoDTR is the Store-and-Forward version that is rapidly deployed into austere environments with little to no internet connectivity.

As of Jan 2022, DoDTR housed data from over 144,637 trauma patient records, representing 106,819 unique trauma patients, and from after action reports to develop clinical practice guidelines (CPGs). The CPGs minimize medical practice variations from known evidence-based best practices and help save lives. The DoDTR also generates actionable medical information leading to advancements in trauma care. DoDTR data-driven advancements in the military trauma care such as Tranexamic Acid (TXA), hemostatic dressing and junctional tourniquets are being applied to civilian trauma care.

DoDTR data enables JTS to conduct performance improvement studies and gap analyses for medical capabilities to direct ongoing and future combat casualty care research, trauma skills training, and direct combat casualty care. DoDTR data analysis was instrumental in proving the Golden Hour evacuation policy saves lives. DoDTR data provided the supporting evidence to prompt a doctrinal change of Army flight medics from EMT-Basic to an EMT-Paramedic to improve the survivability of combat casualties.

 DoDTR is the first trauma registry designed to function with fully integrated multi-specialty sub registries. These are:

  • Acoustic: Collects data related to acoustic trauma injuries to the inner ear. The registry tracks the patient's acoustic injury, evaluation results, and care management that is not included in initiating DoDTR trauma record.
  • Infectious Disease (ID): Collects trauma-related ID epidemiology; a central repository for bacteria isolates infecting war wounded.
  • COVID-19 Registry: As part of the ID registry, the COVID-19 registry collects and aggregates pandemic response data in the Military Treatment Facilities. Every medical encounter related to a patient's COVID-19 illness episode is captured in both inpatient and outpatient events. It also captures initial and ongoing assessment data, diagnostic testing/imaging, interventions and outcome data.
  • Military Orthopaedic Trauma Registry (MOTR): A registry of military orthopaedic injuries designed to augment the DoDTR for specific orthopaedic information such as injury patterns, fracture characteristics, treatment and complications associated with combat extremity injuries.
  • Outcomes (Recovery and Rehabilitation): Collects data about a patient's recovery and rehabilitation after he/she leaves the treatment facilities.
  • Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI): Collects data related to patients with TBI injuries, ranging from mild concussion to a penetrating head injury.
  • Vision: Collects ocular clinical data, from injury to treatment to vision recovery.
  • Military Working Dog (MWD): Developed in collaboration with the DHA Veterinary Service's Animal Medicine to ensure documenting and archiving of canine combat casualty epidemiology, treatment, and outcome, the registry fills a void in veterinary services and provides data not always found in the MWD patient record.

  Non-integrated registries are:

  • Transfusion: Collects and analyzes blood transfusion data, including outcomes, for all U.S. Service members if they received one or more units of packed red blood cells or fresh whole blood
  • Military EnRoute Care Registry (MERCuRY): Collects data about treatment during Medical Evacuation (MEDEVAC) and Casualty Evacuation (CASEVAC)
  • Role 2 Registry: Allows for data collection at levels of medical care that do not have the capacity or infrastructure to support the DoDTR. As the name indicates its primary users are from a Role 2 facility
  • Pre-Hospital Trauma Registry (PHTR): Captures never before attainable prehospital trauma care information provided on the ground at the POI by all combat forces
  • MEDEVAC database collects and validates classified data which therefore cannot be directly integrated into the DoDTR without declassification

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JTS Casualty Log
The trauma/casualty log is a communication tool which allows external DoD medical treatment facilities the ability to submit trauma encounters to the JTS for inclusion into the DoD Trauma Registry (DoDTR) or the MWD Registry. For questions regarding the DoDTR, email For questions regarding the MWD Registry, email

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Last Modified Date: 03/24/2025