How to Request DoDTR Data
The Joint Trauma System (JTS) Department of Defense Trauma Registry (DoDTR) is a population of trauma patients meeting inclusion criteria that includes selected data elements. It is not the patient record. While a query of the DoDTR can identify a population and provide data elements, the investigator may have to conduct a chart review to collect additional data for the protocol. JTS does not assist with access to chart reviews.
- Eligible Requestor. The requestor must be U.S. Military, U.S Government or sponsored by a U.S. Military or Government entity who will accept responsibility for safeguarding the data set and ensure that all applicable DoD and Federal requirements are met by the non-Federal requestor. JTS does not assist non-Federal requestors in finding DoD sponsors. The Defense Health Agency (DHA) requires the end user of the data to be identified.
- Required Documentation for Research Protocols. The following documents will need to be completed prior to
submitting to the
DHA Data Sharing Agreement Application (DSAA) process:
- Request for Information Worksheet: Complete the Request for Information Worksheet to request counts of patients and determine if the DoDTR offers enough information for a particular research or performance improvement project.
- Approved Research Protocol: The issuance of identifiable data/information for research purposes is subject to oversight by the Institutional Review Board (IRB). If the protocol was reviewed by a non-DOD primary IRB, the DHA Human Research Protections Program must review the research documentation.
- DoDTR Data Request Form: Complete the DoDTR Data Request Form. This document is used to specify the data elements as listed in the approved protocol.
- Data Sharing Agreement (DSA). Complete a DSAA and submit it to the DHA Privacy Office with the above forms attached. (Note: In addition to the above documents there maybe additional requirements as listed in the DSAA).
- Memorandum of Understanding/Memorandum of Agreement (MOU/MOA): In some cases, the DHA may determine that a MOU/MOA is required in lieu of a DSA. If an MOA/MOU is needed, it must be signed prior to release of data.
- Determination. The DHA Privacy Office will determine whether the DSAA is approved or denied. Once the requestor has received the DSA approval and JTS is notified of the approval, data will be queried/reviewed and released.
For more information, email the Data Release Branch at:
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Last Modified Date: 03/24/2025