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Continuing Education Process

JTS Combat Casualty Care Curriculum Conference Process for Continuing Medical Education (CME), Continuing Nursing Education (CNE) and Continuing Dental Education (CDE)

The CME/CNE/CDE Activity is conducted on a quarterly basis. Evaluation and certificate is available 15 days after the activity closes.

Continuing Medical Education
CME certificates will be awarded after the individual evaluation on the NAVY Continuing Education (CME) website is completed, not after the individual weekly conference. After the individual evaluation is complete, you may print and/or save a copy of your CME certificate.

Continuing Nursing Education
CNE certificates will be awarded after the individual evaluation on the NAVY CME website is completed, not after the individual weekly conference. After the individual evaluation is complete, email to receive your CNE certificate.

Continuing Dental Education
CDE certificates will be awarded after the individual evaluation on the NAVY CME website is completed, not after the individual weekly conference. After the individual evaluation is complete, email to receive your CDE certificate.

An attendance roster will be distributed to all participants on a weekly basis. To receive credit, each participant needs to sign the attendance roster after each individual session for the activity and send roster weekly basis. Prior to CME, CNE or CDE being approved, the JTS will verify attendance. Attendance rosters must be emailed to:

CME/CNE/CDE Registration

  1. To register for JTTS weekly case review, go to the NAVY CE website
  2. Login credentials for the Air Force & Army CME website can be used for the Navy CME website.
  3. Find "Joint Trauma System Combat Casualty Care Curriculum JTS (Interprofessional CDE)".
  4. Type in the Activity number. Select ALL for:
    • Specialty Type
    • Activity type
    • Approving Office Type
    • Location

Points of Contact (POCs):

For more information, email


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Last Modified Date: 12/23/2022