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Mobile Hospital
JTS Mission

The mission of the Joint Trauma System (JTS) is to improve trauma readiness and outcomes through evidence-driven performance improvement. The JTS vision is that every Soldier, Sailor, Airman and Marine injured on the battlefield or in any theater of operations will be provided with the optimum chance for survival and maximum potential for functional recovery.

Critical Care Air Transport Team Unloading
Performance Improvement

JTS supports US military performance improvement (PI) initiatives and activities by identifying, tracking and making recommendations on efforts to ensure the appropriate evaluation and treatment of injured Service members across the continuum of care, improve medic training and ensure medical readiness.

Naval Weapons Station Trauma
Trauma Registry

The DoDTR is the first and only DoD trauma patient registry to collect combat casualty care epidemiology, treatments and outcomes from point of injury to recovery. The DoDTR contains identified information taken from medical records, expert clinical inference, scoring and coding schematics, probability determination and PI data.

Army Medical Field Training
JTS Operations

As the DoD Center of Excellence for MHS trauma care delivery, JTS directly assists each Combatant Command in trauma system planning, treatment, management, and improvement of casualty outcomes to include battle injuries, disease non-battle injuries and all-hazard settings through evidence-driven performance improvement.

JTS Publishes Part 4 of its Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Injury Series
JTS has published the highly anticipated Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Injury Response Part 4: General Approach to Biological Casualties, 27 Feb 2025 Clinical Practice Guideline. The guide focuses on biowarfare agents directed at humans as well as information pertaining to endemic and emerging diseases. The CPG is designed to align with the objectives from these key DoD biodefense documents:

  • The National Biodefense Strategy and Implementation Plan
  • DoD Biodefense Posture Review
  • Army Biological Defense Strategy

Read the new CPG here
CBRN Injury Response Part 4

Learn when NOT to use a tourniquet

February 25, 2025

Knowing when NOT to apply a tourniquet can save lives just as much as knowing when to apply one. Dr. Frank Butler addresses this dilemma in his new presentation, Who Does Not Need a Tourniquet. The tutorial is a valuable supplement to the current TCCC training material. TCCC Tourniquet series can be found on the JTS Deployed Medicine.

Click here to view the Who Does Not Need a Tourniquet Presentation.

Read full article here »

Photo by Pvt Noe Cork
JTS Committee of Surgical Combat Casualty Care (CoSCCC) Advises DoD/DHA Leadership on Orthopedic Surgical Needs for Future Combat Operations

February 4, 2025

As the DoD expert on trauma care, the JTS has released a statement outlining the orthopedic surgical needs, requirements, and resources for providing optimal care of wounded warriors in future large scale combat operations (LSCO). Proper orthopedic care is critical as high rates of orthopedic injuries are anticipated in LSCO with large numbers of casualties, multiple mass casualty incidents, and delays in evacuation. Extremity injuries that do not receive adequate surgical management in the deployed theater will result in increased morbidities to include infection, amputation, loss of extremity function, chronic pain, disability, and overall force attrition. Read about how this growing issue impacts our troops and what we can do to prepare for tomorrow's conflicts.

Read more here »

JTS Adds Critical Materiel Lists to Injury-specific CPGs in Collaboration with the Medical Logistics (MEDLOG) Contingency Project Support

MEDLOG Infographic DHA Medical Logistics has created Class VIII lists for the following combat casualty care CPGs with more to follow. The materiel lists are crucial because they detail all necessary medical supplies (like bandages, medications, surgical instruments, and blood products) required to maintain a military force's health during operations, essentially acting as a critical inventory to ensure timely access to essential medical equipment and medications.

  • En Route Care Patient Packaging
  • Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism
  • Genitourinary Injury Trauma Management
  • Frozen and Deglycerolized Red Blood Cells
  • Altitude Emergencies in the Prehospital Environment
  • High Bilateral Amputations and Dismounted Complex Injury
  • Suspected Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Field Overexposure
For additional information including National Stock Number (NSN):


JTS Updates
Drowning Management CPG
Drowning CPG Infographic

The updated CPG offers new ER disposition recommendations based on grade of severity and mortality and recent diagnostic findings and risk factors. The authors have added new solutions for illness prevention and treatment of water-related injuries. Click the image to learn more about the updates. Click here to read the CPG.

A WarDocs Military Medical Interview with JTS Chief COL Jennifer M. Gurney, MD, FACS, Oct 2024

JTS Chief COL Jennifer M. Gurney

The WarDocs Military Medicine Podcast spotlights JTS Chief COL Jennifer Gurney, her surgical career, and her part in helping the Department of Defense establish a global trauma care system. In the October interview, COL Gurney provides a roadmap for national trauma systems, highlighting the efforts to address both trauma and non-battle injuries. She discusses the critical role of trauma systems in optimizing combat casualty care, focusing on the "Walker Dip," a challenge in maintaining medical readiness during periods of non-conflict, and the significance of data and performance improvement in military medicine. The segment also features lessons from global trauma systems, including conflicts in Ukraine and Israel, are shaping the future of military medical care.

Watch on WarDocs or YouTube

Check out the latest 2024 articles based on JTS' DoD Trauma Registry data and/or authored by JTS data analysts, JTS epidemiologists and JTS leaders, including prominent combat casualty surgeons and trauma care providers.

DHA Selects JTS to Verify MTF Trauma Care Readiness

New JTS branch facilitates the trauma center verification process.

The Trauma System Support & Consultation (TSS&C) Branch provides military medical treatment facility (MTF) leadership the support they need to raise their level of readiness and trauma care for both new and existing centers. JTS trauma care experts prepare centers new to the verification process in developing their processes and policies to successfully achieve trauma center status according to American College of Surgeons (ACS) standards. TSS&C works with established trauma centers to assure their programs are continuously up to date with ACS trauma center standards and to assist in preparation for re-verification.

  • Assess optimal trauma care center level.
  • Perform a gap analysis to assess the requirements to elevate an MTF to a trauma care center.
  • Guide the development of the MTF's Performance Improvement Program.
  • Advise the MTF on staffing requirements to meet verification standards.
  • Assess local and regional trauma systems and advise optimal plan.

The Trauma System Support & Consultation branch is led by COL (ret) Stephen Flaherty, MD, FACS and is supported by the breadth of the JTS to include data scientists and the performance improvement branch.