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The following articles are based on DoD Trauma Registry data and/or authored by JTS data analysts, JTS epidemiologists and JTS leaders, including prominent combat casualty surgeons and trauma care providers. JTS is not responsible for broken links as JTS does not maintain the publication hyperlinks.

Note: Click on the header titles below to expand or collapse an accordion panel.

Schauer SG, Fisher AD, Skovlund JM et al. Opinion: The urgent need to field dried plasma for large-scale combat operations Task & Purpose, Jul 22 2024.

Hornung LJ, Rivera-Barbosa M, Johnson JE, et al. Needs assessment for a new military burn care educational curriculum focused on prolonged field care: the Burns for Providers Program (BP2), J Burn Care Res, Nov 16 2024.

Taheri BD, Fisher AD, Eisenhauer IF, et al. The employment of resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta in deployed settings. Transfusion. 2024 May;64 Suppl 2:S19-S26.

Fisher AD, April MD, Gurney JM, et al. Analysis of emergency resuscitative thoracotomy in the combat setting. BMJ Mil Health. Aug 29 2024; e002797.

Reneau HB, Long BJ, Rizzo JA, et al. An analysis of junctional tourniquet use within the Department of Defense Trauma Registry. J Spec Oper Med. Dec 11 2024; NDC5-J2LU.

Janak JC, Kotwal RS, Howard JT, et al. Advancing combat casualty care statistics and other battlefield care metrics. J Spec Oper Med, Jun 2024; 24(2):11-16.

Bozzay JD, Elster, EA. Gurney, JM. Sustaining military surgeons and the joint trauma system: current efforts, unique challenges, and proposed strategies in an era of global uncertainty. Ann Surg 5(2):p e395, Jun 2024.

Inman BL, Long BJ, April MD, et al. Incidence of coagulopathy after resuscitation at a role 1 facility: the prehospital trauma registry experience. J Spec Oper Med. Jun 24 2024;24(2):61-66

Gurney JM, Pamplin JC, Remondelli MH, et al. The "survival chain": medical support to military operations on the future battlefield, Joint Force Quarterly 112 (1st Quarter 2024).

Braden SF, Long BJ, Rizzo JA, et al. Incidence of traumatic brain injuries within the prehospital trauma registry system. J Spec Oper Med. 2024 Jun 25;24(2):24-33.

April MD, Bridwell RE, Davis WT, et al. Interventions associated with survival after prehospital intubation in the deployed combat setting. Am J Emerg Med. 2024 May;79:79-84

Fisher AD, Jude JW, April MD, et al. An analysis of tube thoracostomy in combat implications for improved prehospital recognition and treatment. J Spec Oper Med. 2024 Jun 25;24(2):17-21.

McWhirter KK, April MD, Fisher AD, et al. Blood consumption in the Role 2 setting: A Department of Defense Trauma Registry analysis. Transfusion, 2024 May;64 Suppl 2:S42-S49.

Inman BL, Long B, April MD, et al. Incidence of coagulopathy after resuscitation at a role 1 facility: the prehospital trauma registry experience. J Spec Oper Med. May 29, 2024; NDT8-BU2B.

McWhirter KK, April MD, Fisher AD, et al. Blood consumption in the Role 2 setting: A Department of Defense Trauma Registry analysis. Transfusion. 2024.

Karp MC, April MD, Newberry RK, Schauer SG. Associations with prehospital antibiotic receipt among combat casualties with open wounds: a Department of Defense Trauma Registry Study, Military Medicine, Mar-Apr 2024 (189)3-4:606–611.

Kenney CL, Komarek TA, July LN, et al Effectiveness of mobile applications for trauma care in combat casualty simulations throughout the continuum, journal of surgical research, Mar 2024;(295)148-157.

Lin C; Hamm J, Fisher A, et al. Frequency of deployed emergency donor panel use in the deployed trauma setting. Critical Care Medicine 52(1):p S757, Jan 2024.

Stewart IJ, Howard JT, Poltavskiy E, et al. Traumatic brain injury and subsequent risk of brain cancer in US Veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars. JAMA Netw Open. Feb 15 2024;(7)2.

Pumiglia L, Williams JM, Beiling M, et al. Mortality in hypotensive combat casualties who require emergent laparotomy in the forward deployed environment, The American Journal of Surgery, 2024.

Vernon TE, April MD, Fisher AD, et al. An assessment of clinical accuracy of vital sign–based triage tools among U.S. and coalition forces, Military Medicine, 2024.

April MD, Bridwell RE, Davis WT, et al. Interventions associated with survival after prehospital intubation in the deployed combat setting The American Journal of Emergency Medicine May 2024;(79)79-84.

Schauer SG, Fisher AD, April MD. Deployed combat use of methoxyflurane for analgesia. Journal of Special Operations Medicine, Mar 2024:X2OD-UYUQ.

Soderstrom MA, Miller MA, Wang Q, et al. Vaccine utilization and overwhelming post-splenectomy infection risk factors in two asplenia cohorts. Haematologica. 2024 Feb 1;(109)2:622-626.

Esmaeili A, Dismuke-Greer C, Pogoda TK, Cannabis use disorder contributes to cognitive dysfunction in Veterans with traumatic brain injury Front Neurol, 15 Jan 2024;(15).

Leone RM, Remondelli MH, Brill JB, Baker JB, Disguised among the sea: the implications of artificial islands on casualty care in the Indo-Pacific, Military Medicine, Jan 23 2024.

Lammers D, Williams J, Conner J, et al. Utilization of machine learning approaches to predict mortality in pediatric warzone casualties, Military Medicine, Jan-Feb 2024;(189)1-2:345–351.

Esmaeili A, Pogoda TK, Amuan ME, et al. The economic impact of cannabis use disorder and dementia diagnosis in veterans diagnosed with traumatic brain injury Front. Neurol., 11 Jan 2024 (14)

Rasmussen TE, Coleman D. Leave no one behind: invited commentary on association of time from injury to initial hospital arrival, emergency trauma surgery, and survival in U.S. Military casualties. Annals of Surgery, Jan 2024.279(1):11-12.

McDonald JR, Wagoner M, Shaikh F, et al. Mental and physical health-related quality of life following military polytrauma, Military Medicine, Feb 28 2024.

Shackelford SA, del Junco D, Mazuchowski EL, et al. The golden hour of casualty care: rapid handoff to surgical team is associated with improved survival in war-injured US Service Members. Annals of Surgery, Jan 2024(279)1:1-10.

Argandykov D, Lagazzi E, Proaño-Zamudio JA, et al. Traumatic lower extremity amputation as a risk factor for venous thromboembolism. The American Journal of Surgery, Feb 2024.

Ellis GC, Shaikh F, Carson ML, et al. A semi-nested PCR method for the diagnosis of invasive fungal infections in combat injured, Open Forum Infectious Diseases, 2024.

Zhang LY, Zhang HY. Torso hemorrhage: noncompressible? never say never. Eur J Med Res, 2024(29)153.

Benjamin ER, Demetriades D, Owattanapanich N, et al. Therapeutic interventions and outcomes in civilian and military isolated gunshot wounds to the head: a Department of Defense Trauma Registry and ACS TQIP-matched Study. Annals of Surgery, July 2023.278(1):131-136.

Eisenhauer I, April MD, Rizzo JA, et al. Seasonal association with hypothermia in combat trauma, Military Medicine, Nov 28, 2023.

Baker JB, Keenan S, Duquette-Frame TA, et al. Analysis of the U.S. Military trauma system in accordance with doctrinal levels of warfare, Military Medicine, Feb 25, 2023.

Oh AS, Schauer SG, Adelgais K, et al. Pediatric trauma surgery in Iraq and Afghanistan: Mortality, indicators, and most common operating room interventions from 2007 to 2016. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery 95(2S):p S66-S71, August 2023.

Anderson AB, Rivera JA, Mullin EP, et al. Is the lifetime malignancy risk in United States Military personnel sustaining combat-related trauma increased because of radiation exposure from diagnostic imaging?. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 481(5):1040-1046, May 2023.

Fisher AD, Lavender JS, April MD, et al. A descriptive analysis of supermassive transfusion recipients among US and Coalition Forces during combat operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, Military Medicine, May-June 2023;188(5-6):1022–1027.

Kronstedt S, Boyle J, Fisher AD, et al. A contemporary analysis of combat-related urological injuries: data from the Department of Defense joint trauma system data registry. The Journal of Urology Jun 2023;10-1097.

Baker JB, Keenan S, Duquette-Frame TA, et al. Analysis of the US military trauma system in accordance with doctrinal levels of warfare. Military Medicine. Feb 2023.

Le TD, Gurney JM, Singh KP, et al. Trends in traumatic brain injury among US service members deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan, 2002–2016. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Mar 2023.

Krieger JA, Radloff SA, White NJ, Schauer SG. Can military role 1 practitioners maintain their skills working at civilian level 1 trauma centers: a retrospective, cross-sectional study. Medical Journal, Jan-Mar 2023;57-63.

Schauer SG, Damrow T, Martin SM., et al. Descriptive analysis of combat-associated aspiration pneumonia Journal of Special Operations Medicine. May 2023;QT6H-ECR4.

Pugh MJ, Amuan M, Ocier K, Graham G, Adamson, A. Association between TBI exposure and multiple sclerosis among post-9/11 era veterans Neurology Apr 2023;100 (17S2) 4290.

Malkan RM, Borelli CM, Fairley RR, et al. Outcomes after prehospital cricothyrotomy. Medical Journal,. Jan-Mar2023.;(Per 23-1/2/3):70-73.

Schauer SG, April MD. A comparison of combat casualty outcomes after prehospital versus military treatment facility airway management. Medical Journal, Jan-Mar 2023;92-96.

Nissley LE, Rodríguez R, April MD, et al. Occam's razor and prehospital documentation: when the simpler solution resulted in better documentation. Medical Journal, Jan-Mar 2023;81-86.

Boyle J, Cahill E, Doppalapudi SK, et al. Robotic appendiceal onlay for the treatment of ureteroenteric stricture. The Journal of Urology, Apr 2023;209(S4), e81.

Schauer SG, Hudson IL, Fisher AD, et al. Improving outcomes associated with prehospital combat airway interventions: an unrealized opportunity. Journal of Special Operations Medicine. Mar 2023;SJI5-VWJH.

Baidwan NK, Schauer SG, Dixon JM, et al. Tranexamic acid improves survival in the setting of severe head injury in combat casualties. Medical Journal, Jan-Mar 2023;(Per 23-1/2/3):34-40.

Westcott SL, Wojahn A, Morrison TC, Leslie E. Ketamine decreased opiate use in US military combat operations from 2010 to 2019. BMJ Mil Health. Feb 2023.

Lockett CJ, Naylor JF, Fischer AD, et al. A comparison of injury patterns and interventions among us military special operations versus conventional forces combatants. Medical Journal, 2023 Jan-Mar;64-69.

Arnold JL, MacDonald, AG, Rizzo, JA, et al. An assessment of casualties undergoing delayed surgical intervention in the combat setting. Medical Journal, Jan-Mar 2023;28-33.

April MD, Fisher AD, Bridwell RE, et al. Massive transfusion thresholds associated with combat casualty mortality during operations in Afghanistan and Iraq: implications for role 1 logistical support chains. Medical Journal. Jan-Mar 2023;11-17. 7p.

Douin DJ, Dylla L, Anderson EL, et al. Hyperoxia is associated with a greater risk for mortality in critically ill traumatic brain injury patients than in critically ill trauma patients without brain injury. Science Progress, Mar 2023; 106(1).

April MD, Fisher AD, Hill R, et al. Adherence to a balanced approach to massive transfusion in combat casualties. Military Medicine, Mar-Apr 2023;188(3-4), e524-e530.

Rund, T J. Casualty evacuation in arctic and extreme cold environments: A paradigm shift for traumatic hypothermia management in tactical combat casualty care. International Journal of Circumpolar Health, May 2023; 82(1).

Hudson IL, Staudt AM, Burgess M, et al. Patterns of palliation: a review of casualties that received pain management before reaching role 2 in Afghanistan. Military Medicine, Jan-Feb 2023;188(1-2), 108-116.

Campwala I, Leeper CM, Gaines BA. The use of blood in pediatric trauma resuscitation. current surgery reports, 1-7. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2023;89 (2S Suppl 2):S185–91

Wright AM, Ramage L, Barratt J, et al. A narrative review of damage control resuscitation for paediatric trauma patients in Iraq and Afghanistan from 2001 to 2016. Trauma, Feb 2023.

Holtestaul T, Horton J. Initial trauma resuscitation. in pediatric trauma care: a practical guide Cham: Springer International Publishing. Jan 2023;7789.

Stewart IJ, Ambardar S, Howard, JT, et al. Long-term health care costs for service members injured in Iraq and Afghanistan. Military Medicine, Feb 2023.

Walker LE, Poltavskiy E, Howard JT, et al. Suicide attempts and mental health diagnoses in combat–injured service members: A retrospective cohort study. Suicide and Life–Threatening Behavior, 2023. 53(2), 227-240.

Hall AB, Qureshi I, Wilson R, et al. Whole blood administration within USCENTCOM. Trauma, 2023 Feb.

Perea LL, Moore K, Docherty C, et al. Whole blood resuscitation is safe in pediatric trauma patients: A multicenter study. The American Surgeon, Feb 2023.

Rauh J, Neff LP. Massive transfusion in the pediatric trauma patient. in pediatric trauma care: a practical guide Cham: Springer International Publishing. Jan 2023;111-125.

Suresh K, Dixon JM, Patel C, et al. The epidemiology and outcomes of prolonged trauma care (EpiC) study: methodology of a prospective multicenter observational study in the Western Cape of South Africa. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine. 2022 Dec;30(1):1-1.

Alcover KC, Poltavskiy EA, Howard JT, et al. Post-combat-injury opioid prescription and alcohol use disorder in the military. American journal of preventive medicine. 2022 Dec 1;63(6):904-14.

Gurney JM, Graf V, Staudt AM, et al. Characterization of humanitarian trauma care by US military facilities during combat operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. Ann Surg. 2022 Oct 18;276(4):732-42.

Cuenca CM, Borgman MA, Dengler BA, Schauer SG. Incidence of post-traumatic seizures in children during combat operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. Injury. 2022 Oct 1;53(10):3297-300.

Kolaja C, Castañeda SF, Woodruff SI, et al. The relative impact of injury and deployment on mental and physical quality of life among military service members. PLoS One. 2022 Sep 29;17(9):e0274973.

Jude JW, Spanier AM, Hiller HM, et al. Helicopter Crashes in the Deployed Combat Setting: The Department of Defense Trauma Registry Experience. Journal of Special Operations Medicine : a Peer Reviewed Journal for SOF Medical Professionals, 01 Sep 2022, 22(3):57-61

Durrani S, Nathani KR, Mualem W, et al. The impact of major military war campaigns on neurosurgery: informetric data and time-trend analysis. World Neurosurgery. 2022 Sep 23.

Siminoff LA, Alolod GP, Sarwer DB, et al. Military veterans' knowledge, attitudes, and interest in VCA treatment for disfiguring service-related injuries. Transplantation. 2022 Sep 1;106(9S):S495.

Schauer SG, April MD, Fisher AD, et al. Hypothermia in the combat trauma population, Prehospital Emergency Care. 19 Sep 2022.

Hudson IL, Staudt AM, Burgess M, et al. Patterns of palliation: a review of casualties that received pain management before reaching Role 2 in Afghanistan. Mil Med. 2022 Sep 13.

Gurney JM, Staudt AM, Del Junco DJ, et al. Determining resuscitation outcomes in combat casualties: design of the Deployed Hemostatic Emergency Resuscitation of Traumatic Exsanguinating Shock (Deployed HEROES) study. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2022 Aug 1;93(2S Suppl 1):S22-S29.

Moulton AW, Schauer SG, Borgman MA. Prolonged mechanical ventilation in pediatric trauma patients in a combat zone. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine. 2022 Aug 23:10-97.

Schauer SG, April MD, Fisher AD, et al. An analysis of early volume resuscitation and the association with prolonged mechanical ventilation. Transfusion. 2022 Aug;62:S114-21.

Lee I, Davis B, Purt B, DesRosiers T. Ocular trauma and traumatic brain injury on the battlefield: a systematic review after 20 years of fighting the global war on terror. Mil Med. 2022 Jul 23.

Benjamin ER, Demetriades D, Owattanapanich N, et al. Therapeutic interventions and outcomes in civilian and military isolated gunshot wounds to the head: A Department of Defense Trauma Registry and ACS TQIP-matched Study. Ann Surg. 2022 Jul.

Kotwal RS, Janak JC, Howard JT, Rohrer AJ, et al. United States Military Fatalities During Operation Inherent Resolve and Operation Freedom's Sentinel. Military Medicine, 2022;usac119.

Shackelford SA, Remley MA, Keenan S, et al. Evidence-based principles of time, triage, and treatment; refining the initial medical response to massive casualty incidents. The J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2022 May 21.

Inaba K, Alam HB, Brasel KJ, et al. A Western Trauma Association critical decisions algorithm: Resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2022 Apr 1;92(4):748-53.

Stewart IJ, Poltavskiy E., Howard JT, et al. The Enduring Health Consequences of Combat Trauma: a Legacy of Chronic Disease. J Gen Intern Med 36, 713–721 (2021).

Gurney J, Graf V, Staudt A. Humanitarian trauma care delivered by us military facilities during combat operations in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria. American Surgical Association, 142nd Annual Meeting, 7-9 Apr 2022.

Kronstedt S, Fisher A, Boyle J, et al. An analysis of combat-related urologic injuries. Journal of Urology. May 2022.

Escandon MA, Tapia AD, Fisher AD, et al. An analysis of the Incidence of hypocalcemia in wartime trauma casualties. Med J (Ft Sam Houst Tex). 2022 Apr-Jun;(Per 22-04/05/06):17-21.

Wilson KE, Vasek M, VanFosson CA, et al. An assessment of nursing skills required for sustaining a casualty during prolonged casualty care: implications for training and preparing for the next major war. Med J (Ft Sam Houst Tex). 2022 Apr-Jun; Per 22-04-05-06(Per 22-04-05-06):83-88.

Copeland LA, Pugh MJ, Bollinger MJ, et al. The VA vascular injury study: A glimpse at quality of care in Veterans with traumatic vascular injury repair. Injury. 2022 Apr 6:S0020-1383(22)00277-7.

Hall A, Qureshi I, McMinn H, et al. US Central Command military blood utilization practices 2011 to 2020. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2022 Mar 28.

Johnson SA, Lauby RS, Fisher AD, et al. An analysis of conflicts across Role 1 guidelines. Mil Med. 2022 Mar 28;187(3-4):e263-e274.

Gurney JM, Staudt AM, Del Junco DJ, et al.. Whole blood at the tip of the spear: A retrospective cohort analysis of warm fresh whole blood resuscitation versus component therapy in severely injured combat casualties. Surgery. 2022 Feb;171(2):518-525.

Hesling JD, Paulson MW, McKay JT, et al. Characterizing pediatric supermassive transfusion and the contributing injury patterns in the combat environment. Am J Emerg Med. 2022 Jan;51:139-143. Epub 2021 Oct 24. Erratum in: Am J Emerg Med. 2022 Feb;52:275.

Fisher AD, Paulson MW, McKay JT, et al. Blood product administration during the Role 1 phase of care: the prehospital trauma registry experience. Mil Med. 2022 Jan 4;187(1-2):e70-e75.

Qasim Z, Butler FK, Holcomb JB, et al. Selective prehospital advanced resuscitative care - developing a strategy to prevent prehospital deaths from noncompressible torso hemorrhage. Shock. 2022 Jan 1;57(1):7-14.

Fisher AD, Paulson MW, McKay JT, et al. Blood Product Administration during the Role 1 Phase of Care: The Prehospital Trauma Registry Experience. Mil Med. 2022 Jan 4;187(1-2):e70-e75.

Lauby RS, Johnson SA, Borgman MA, Bynum J, Hill GJ, Schauer SG. Analysis of Prehospital Administration of Blood Products to Pediatric Casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan. Prehosp Emerg Care. 2021 Sep-Oct;25(5):615-619.

Alcover KC, Ambardar SR, Poltavskiy E, et al. Traumatic injury and atrial fibrillation among deployed service members. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. 2021 Sep;32(9):2590-2594.

Cuenca C, Clarke E, Dengler B, et al. An analysis of intracranial hemorrhage in wartime pediatric casualties. Physician's Weekly, Aug 5 2021

Suresh M, Staudt A, Trevino J, et al. Characteristics of burn casualties treated at role 2 in Afghanistan. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, Aug 1 2021 91 (2S Suppl 2): S233-S240

DeStefano CB, Shaw K, Gundlapalli AV, et al. Incidence of cancer among U.S. combat casualties: a DoD Trauma Registry study. J.Am J Hematol. 2021 Sep 1;96(9):E324-E327.

Klausner MJ, McKay JT, Bebarta VS, et al. Warfighter personal protective equipment and combat wounds. Med J (Ft Sam Houst Tex). 2021 Apr-Jun;(PB 8-21-04/05/06):72-77. PMID: 34251669.

Hall AB; Qureshi I, Gurney JM, Shackelford SA; Taylor J; Mahoney C; Trask S; Walker A; Wilson RL. Clinical utilization of deployed military surgeons. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. Aug 2021; 91(2S): pS256-S260.

Kotwal RS, Mazuchowski EL, Janak JC, Howard JT, Harcke HT, Holcomb JB, Eastridge BJ, Gurney JM, Shackelford SA. United States military fatalities during Operation New Dawn. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. Aug 2021; 91(2): p375-383.

Shackelford SA, del Junco DJ, Riesberg JC, Powell D, Mazuchowski EL, Kotwal RS, Loos PE, Montgomery HR, Remley MA, Gurney JM, and Keenan S. Case-control analysis of prehospital death and prolonged field care survival during recent US military combat operations. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 01 Aug 2021; 91(suppl 2).

Gurney JM, Staudt AM, del Junco DJ, Shackelford SA, Mann-Salinas EA, Cap AP, Spinella PC, Martin MJ. Whole blood at the tip of the spear: A retrospective cohort analysis of warm fresh whole blood resuscitation versus component therapy in severely injured combat casualties. Surgery. 10 Jul 2021; p1-8.

Shackelford SA. Gurney JM, Taylor AL, Keenan S, Corley JB, Cunningham CW, Drew BG, Jensen SD, Kotwal RS, Montgomery HR, Nance ET, Remley MA, Cap AP, the Joint Trauma System Defense Committee on Trauma, the Armed Services Blood Program. Joint Trauma System, Defense Committee on Trauma, and Armed Services Blood Program consensus statement on whole blood. Transfusion. 16 Jul 2021.

Qasim Z, Butler FK, Holcomb JB, Kotora JG, Eastridge BJ, Brohi K, Scalea TM, Schwab CW, Drew B, Gurney J, Jansen JO, Kaplan LJ, Martin MJ, Rasmussen TE, Shackelford SA, Bank EA, Braude D, Brenner M, Guyette FX, Joseph B, Hinckley WR, Sperry JL, Duchesne J. Selective prehospital advanced resuscitative care - developing a strategy to prevent prehospital deaths from noncompressible torso hemorrhage. Shock. May 2021.

Remick KN, Carr BG, Elster E. COVID-19: Opportunity to re-imagine our response to a national medical crisis. J Am Coll Surg. 01 May 2021; 232(5): p793-796.

Hatzfeld JJ, Hildebrandt G, Maddry JK, Jr, Rodriquez D, Bridges E, Ritter AC, Gardner CL, Bebarta VS, Cap AP. Top 10 research priorities for U.S. military en route combat casualty care. Mil Med. Mar-Apr 2021; 186(3-4): p e359–e365.

Torres T, Stakley JA, Garcia E, Raiciulescu S, Polk TM, Stotts NA, Schmied Blackman V. Preliminary data on trauma knowledge, confidence, and stress during Navy trauma training. Mil Med. Jan-Feb 2021; 186(suppl 1): p266–272.

Tavares KB; Russell DM; Conrad RJ; Sizemore GC; Nguyen SH; Moon AY, Colgan BA; Condon, Freeman J; Mayo JS, Criman ET, Lim RB. Time to weigh in on obesity and associated comorbidities in combat-wounded amputees. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. Feb 2021; 90(2): p325-330.

Carius BM, Dodge PM, Hudson IL, De Lorenzo RA, Fisher AD, Dion GR, April MD, Dye CT, Schauer SG. An analysis of prehospital trauma registry: after-action reviews on airway interventions in Afghanistan. Medical Journal. Apr-Jun 2021; p32-37.

Jaffe E, Patzkowski MS, Hodgson JA, Foerschler DL, Gonzalez SC, Giordano NA, Scott-Richardson MP, Highland KB. Practice variation in regional anesthesia utilization by current and former U.S. military anesthesiology residents. Mil Med. 1 Jan-Feb 2021; 86(issue 1-2): p e98–e103.

Conner JR, Benavides LC, Shackelford SA, Gurney JM, Burke EF, Remley MA, Ditzel RM, Cap AP. Hypocalcemia in military casualties from point of injury to surgical teams in Afghanistan. Mil Med. Jan-Feb 2021; 186(suppl1): p300–304.

Brito AMP, Schreiber M. Prehospital resuscitation. Trauma Surgery & Acute Care Open. 10 May 2021; 6(1).

Le TD; Gurney JM, Akers KS, Chung KK, Singh KP, Wang HC, Stackle ME, Pusateri AE. Analysis of non-battle deaths among U.S. service members in the deployed environment. Annals of Surgery. 07 Jul 2021.

Lauby RS, Cuenca CM, Borgman MA, Fisher AD, Bebarta VS, Moore EE, Spinella PC, Bynum J, Schauer SG. An analysis of outcomes for pediatric trauma warm fresh whole blood recipients in Iraq and Afghanistan, Transfusion, 16 Jul 2021; 61(suppl1): ps2-S7.

Wray JP, Bridwell RE, Schauer SG, Shackelford SA, Bebarta VS, Wright FL, Bynum J, Long B. The diamond of death: Hypocalcemia in trauma and resuscitation. Am J Emerg Med. Mar 2021; 41: p104-109.

Tadlock MD, Carr M, Diaz J, Rhee P, Cannon JW, Eastridge BJ, Morgan MM, Brink E, Shackelford SA, Gurney JM, Johannigman JA, Rizzo AG, Knudson MM, Galante JM. How to maintain the readiness of forward deployed caregivers. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. Jan 2021; 90(5): e87-e94.

Maddry JK, Araña AA, Mora AG, Perez CA, Cutright JE, Kester BM, Ng PC, Schauer SG, Bebarta VS. Advancing prehospital combat casualty evacuation: patients amenable to aeromedical evacuation via unmanned aerial vehicles. Mil Med, Mar-Apr 2021;186(3-4), e366-e372. Evidence to Guide Practice Paper.

Maddry JK, Mora AG, Perez CA, Reeves LK, Paciocco JA, Clemons MA, Sheean A, Kester NM, Bebarta VS. Characterization of long-range aeromedical transport and its relationship to the development of traumatic extremity compartment syndrome: a seven-year, retrospective study. Mil Med. 12 Jan 2021. Evidence to Guide Practice Paper.

Baker JB, Northern MD, Frament C, Baker DA, Remick K, Seery J, Stephens L, Shackelford SA, Gurney JM. Austere resuscitative and surgical care in support of forward military operations-Joint Trauma System Position Paper. Mil Med. 13 Nov 2020; usaa358.

Harrison WY, Wardian JL, Sosnov JA, Kotwal RS, Butler FK, Stockinger ZT, Shackelford SA, Gurney JM, Spott MA, Finelli LN, Mazuchowski EL, Smith DJ, Janak JC. Recommended medical and non-medical factors to assess military preventable deaths: subject matter experts provide valuable insights. BMJ Mil Health. Nov 2020; 166(E):e47-e52.

Bennett BL, Giesbrect G, Zafren K, Christensen R, Littlejohn LF, Drew B, Cap AP, Miles EA, Butler FK Jr, Holcomb JB, Shackelford SA. Management of hypothermia in Tactical Combat Casualty Care: TCCC Guideline proposed change 20-01 (June 2020). J Spec Oper Med. 2020 Fall; 20(3): p21-35.

Dye C, Keenan S, Carius BM, Loos PE, Remley MA, Mendes B, Arnold JL, May I, Powell D, Tobin JM, Riesberg JC, Shackelford SA. Airway management in prolonged field care. J Spec Oper Med. 2020 Fall; 20(3):p141-156.

Fisher AD, Miles EA, Broussard MA, Corley JB, Knight R, Remley MA, Cap AP, Gurney JM, Shackelford SA. Low titer group O whole blood resuscitation: military experience from the point of injury. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2020 Oct; 89(4):p834-841.

Rapp J, Keenan S, Taylor D, Rapp A, Turconi M, Maves R, Kavanaugh M, Makati D, Powell D, Loos PE, Sarkisian S, Sakhuja A, Mosely DS, Shackelford SA. Sepsis management in prolonged field care, 28 Oct 2020. J Spec Oper Med. 2020 Winter;20(4): p27-39.

Thompson P, Hudson AJ, Convertino VA, Bjerkvig C, Eliassen HS, Eastridge BJ, Irvine-Smith T, Braverman MA, Hellander S, Jenkins DH, Rappold JF, Gurney JM, Glassberg E, Cap AP, Aussett S, Apelseth TO, Williams S, Ward KR, Shackelford SA, Stroberg P, Vikeness BH, Pepe PE, Winckler CJ, Woolley T, Enbuske S, De Pasquale M, Boffard KD, Austlid I, Fosse TK, Asbjornsen H, Spinella PC, Strandenes G. Risk of harm associated with using rapid sequence induction intubation and positive pressure ventilation in patients with hemorrhagic shock. J Spec Oper Med. 2020 Fall; 20(3): p97-102.

Holcomb JB, Moore EE, Sperry JL, Jansen JO, Schreiber MA, Del Junco DJ, Spinella PC, Sauaia A, Brohi K, Bulger EM, Cap AP, Hess JR, Jenkins D, Lewis RJ, Neal MD, Newgard C, Pati S, Pusateri AE, Rizoli S, Russell RT, Shackelford SA, Stein DM, Steiner ME, Wang H, Ward KR, Young P. Evidence-based and clinically relevant outcomes for hemorrhage control trauma trials. Ann Surg. 01 Mar 2021; 273(3): p395-401.

Maddry JK, Araña AA, Reeves LK, Mora AG, Gutierrez XE, Perez CA, Ng PC, Griffiths SA, Bebarta VS. Patients with traumatic brain injury transported by critical care air transport teams: the influence of altitude and oxygenation during transport. Mil Med. 18 Sep 2020;185(9/10):e1562-e1568. Evidence to Guide Practice Paper.

Janak J, Mazuchowski E, Kotwal RS, Howard JT, Stockinger ZT, Gurney JM, Shackelford, SA. Establishing an enduring Military Trauma Mortality Review: Misconceptions and lessons learned, J Trauma Acute Care Surg., Aug 2020, Vol 89, Issue 2S - p S16-S25

Dhanjal ST, Jannace KC, Giordano NA, Highland KB. Application of the Joint Trauma System clinical practice guideline for pain, anxiety, and delirium in a combat support hospital in Iraq, Mil Med., Vol 185, Issue 5-6, May-Jun 2020, Pages e573–e578.

Greydanus DJ, Hassmann LL, Butler FK Jr. Quality assurance in tactical combat casualty care for medical personnel training 16 Apr 2020. J Spec Oper Med, Summer 2020;20(2):95-103.

Bahr M, Cap AP, Dishong D, Yazer MH. Practical considerations for a military whole blood program, Mil Med., 30 Apr 2020

Gurney JM, Staudt A, Cap A, Shackelford SA, Mann-Salinas E, Le T, Nessen S, Spinella P. Improved survival in critically injured combat casualties treated with fresh whole blood by forward surgical teams in Afghanistan. Transfusion. 03 Jun 2020;60 Suppl 3:S180-S188.

Staudt AM, Suresh MR, Gurney JM, et al. Forward surgical team procedural burden and non-operative interventions by the U.S. Military Trauma System in Afghanistan, 2008-2014. Mil Med. Jun 2020;185(5-6):e759-e767.

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Tobin JM, Gavitt BJ, Nomellini V, Dobson GP, Letson HL, Shackelford SA. Immuno-therapeutic options for inflammation in trauma. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 26 May 2020.

Janak JC, Mazuchowski EL, Kotwal RS, Howard JT, Stockinger ZT, Gurney JM, Shackelford SA.J Establishing an enduring military trauma mortality review: Misconceptions and lessons learned. Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2020 Aug;89(2S Suppl 2):S16-S25.

Staudt AM, Suresh MR, Gurney JM, Trevino JD, Valdez-Delgado KK, VanFosson CA, Butler FK, Mann-Salinas EA, Kotwal RS. Forward surgical team procedural burden and non-operative Interventions by the U.S. military trauma system in Afghanistan, 2008-2014. Mil Med. 2020 Jun 8;185(5-6):e759-e767.

Tobin JM, Gavitt BJ, Nomellini V, Dobson GP, Letson HL, Shackelford SA. Immunotherapeutic options for inflammation in trauma. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2020 Aug;89(2S Suppl 2):S77-S82.

Stern CA, Stockinger CZT, Gurney LJM. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. Combat Thoracic Surgery in Iraq and Afghanistan: 2002-2016. 26 May 2020

Mazuchowski EL, Kotwal RS, Janak JC, Howard JT, Harcke HT, Montgomery HR, Butler FK, Holcomb JB, Eastridge BJ, Gurney JM, Shackelford SA. Mortality review of U.S. Special Operations Command battle-injured fatalities. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2020 May;88(5):686-695.

Bahr M, Cap AP, Dishong D, Yazer MH. Practical considerations for a military whole blood program. 30 Apr 2020. Mil Med.

Greydanus DJ, Hassmann LL, Butler FK Jr. Quality assurance in tactical combat casualty care for medical personnel training 16 Apr 2020. J Spec Oper Med. 2020 Summer;20(2):95-103.

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Mazuchowski EL, Kotwal RS, Janak JC, Howard JT, Harcke HT, Montgomery HR, Butler FK, Holcomb JB, Eastridge BJ, Gurney JM, Shackelford SA. Mortality review of US Special Operations Command battle-injured fatalities. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2020 May;88(5):686-695.

Kotwal RS, Mazuchowski EL, Howard JT, et al. United States Special Operations Command fatality study of subcommands, units, and trends. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2020;89(2S Suppl 2):S213-S224.

Gurney JM, Cole WC, Graybill JC, Shackelford SA, Via DK. Maintaining surgical readiness while deployed to low-volume military treatment facilities: a pilot program for clinical and operational sustainment training in the deployed environment. Mil Med. 2020;185(Suppl 1):508-512.

Kauvar DS, Gurney J. Exploring nonbattle injury in the deployed military environment using the Department of Defense Trauma Registry Mil Med, 07 Mar 2020.

Graham B, Johnson GM, Gurney JM, Shackelford SA, Howard JT, Janak JC. How the implementation of a battlefield clinical practice guideline affects documentation practice and informs future research initiatives: spinal injuries and cervical collars, Mil Med., 24 Mar 2020

Graham B, Johnson GM, Gurney JM, Shackelford SA, Howard JT, Janak JC. How the implementation of a battlefield clinical practice guideline affects documentation practice and informs future research initiatives: spinal injuries and cervical collars. Mil Med. 24 Mar 2020.

Pruskowski KA, Gurney JM, Cancio LC. Impact of the implementation of a therapy dog program on burn center patients and staff. Burns. Mar 2020;46(2):293-297.

Cannon JW, Gurney JM, Shackelford SA. Acute upper airway obstruction. N Engl J Med. 2020 Feb 20;382(8):782-783.

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Gurney JM, Stern CA, Kotwal RS, Cunningham CW, Burelison DR, Gross KR, Montgomery HR, Whitt EH, Murray CK, Stockinger ZT, Butler FK, Shackelford SA. Tactical combat casualty care training, knowledge, and utilization in the U.S. Army. Mil Med. 7 Jan 2020;185(Suppl 1):500-507.

Dhanjal ST, Jannace KC, Giordano NA, Highland KB. Application of the Joint Trauma System Clinical Practice Guideline for Pain, Anxiety, and Delirium in a Combat Support Hospital in Iraq. Mil Med. 2020 Jun 8;185(5-6):e573-e578.

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Schweizer MA, Janak JC, Graham B, Mazuchowski EL, Gurney JM, Shackelford SA, Stockinger ZT, Monchal T. Nonfatal motor vehicle related injuries among deployed US Service members: Characteristics, trends, and risks for limb amputations. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. Oct 2019;87(4):907-914.

Staudt AM, Suresh MR, Gurney JM, Trevino JD, Valdez-Delgado KK, VanFosson CA, Butler FK, Mann-Salinas EA, Kotwal RS. Forward surgical team procedural burden and non-operative Interventions by the U.S. military trauma system in Afghanistan, 2008-2014 Military Medicine, usz402, 20 Dec 2019.

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Harrison WY, Wardian JL, Sosnov JA, Kotwal RS, Butler FK, Stockinger ZT, Shackelford SA, Gurney JM, Spott MA, Finelli LN, Mazuchowski EL, Smith DJ, Janak JC. Recommended medical and non-medical factors to assess military preventable deaths: subject matter experts provide valuable insights. J R Army Med Corps. 2019 Apr 29. pii: jramc-2019-001193. doi: 10.1136/jramc-2019-001193. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 31036745.

Howard JT, Kotwal RS, Stern CA, Janak JC, Mazuchowski EL, Butler FK, Stockinger ZT, Holcomb BR, Bono RC, Smith DJ. Use of combat casualty care data to assess the U.S. military trauma system during the Afghanistan and Iraq Conflicts, 2001-2017. JAMA Surg. 2019 Jul 1;154(7):600-608. doi: 10.1001/jamasurg.2019.0151.Erratum in: JAMA Surg. 2019 May 1. PubMed PMID: 30916730; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6583837.

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Glaser JJ, Fisher AD, Shackelford SA, Butler F, Rasmussen TE. A contemporary report on US military guidelines for the use of whole blood and resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2019 Jul;87(1S Suppl 1):S22-S27. doi: 10.1097/TA.0000000000002301. PubMed PMID: 31246902.

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Schauer SG, Naylor JF, Oliver JJ, Maddry JK, April MD. An analysis of casualties presenting to military emergency departments in Iraq and Afghanistan. The American Journal of Emergency Medicine 37, no. 1 (2019): 94-99.

Schauer SG, Naylor JF, Bellamy MA, Maddry JK, April MD. A descriptive analysis of causalities undergoing CASEVAC from the point-of-injury in the Department of Defense Trauma Registry. Mil Med (2019).

Schauer SG, April MD, Naylor JF, Maddry JK, Keen DE, Cunningham CW, Becker TE, Walters T, Keenan S. A descriptive analysis of casualties evacuated from the Africa area of operations. African Journal of Emergency Medicine (2019): S43-S46.

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Stern CA, Stockinger ZT, Todd WE, Gurney JM. An analysis of orthopedic surgical procedures performed during U.S. combat operations from 2002 to 2016. Mil Med. 2019 Apr 24. pii: usz093.

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Spott MA, Kurkowski CR, Stockinger ZT. The Joint Trauma System: history in the making. Mil Med 183, no. suppl_2 (2018): 4-7.

Pusateri AE, Butler FK, Shackelford SA, Sperry JL, Moore EE, Cap AP, Taylor AL, Homer MJ, Hoots WK, Weiskopf RB, Davis MR. The need for dried plasma – a national issue. Transfusion. 2019 Apr;59(S2):1587-1592. doi: 10.1111/trf.15261. PubMed PMID: 30980738.

Staudt AM, Savell SC, Biever KA, Trevino JD, Valdez-Delgado KK, Suresh M, Gurney JM, Shackelford SA, Maddry JK, Mann-Salinas EA. En route critical care transfer from a role 2 to a role 3 medical treatment facility in Afghanistan. Crit Care Nurse. 2018 Apr;38(2):e7-e15. doi: 10.4037/ccn2018532. PubMed PMID: 29606685.

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Cannon JW, Neff LP, Pidcoke HF, Aden JK, Spinella PC, Johnson MA, Cap AP, Borgman MA. The evolution of pediatric transfusion practice during combat operations 2001-2013. J Trauma Acute Care Surg vol 84, no. 6S (Jun 2018): S69-S76.

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Faulk T, Walker LE, Howard JT, Janak JC, Sosnov JA, Stewart IJ. Rhabdomyolysis among critically ill combat casualties: long-term outcomes. Am J Nephrol. 2018; 48(6):399-405. doi: 10.1159/000494337. Epub 2018 Nov 14. PubMed PMID: 30428460.

Hill GJ, April MD, Maddry JD, Schauer SG. Prehospital ketamine administration to pediatric trauma patients with head injuries in combat theaters. J Emerg Med, 22 Oct 2018.

Johnson MA, Borgman MA, Cannon JW, Kuppermann N, Neff LP. Severely elevated blood pressure and early mortality in children with traumatic brain injuries: the neglected end of the spectrum. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine vol 19, no. 3 (2018): 452.

Kauvar DS, Miller D, Walters TJ. Tourniquet use is not associated with limb loss following military lower extremity arterial trauma. J Trauma Acute Care Surg vol 85, no. 3 (2018): 495-499

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Maddry JK, Mora AG, Savell SC, Perez CA, Mason PE, Aden JK, Bebarta VS. Impact of Critical Care Air Transport Team (CCATT) ventilator management on combat mortality. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2018 Jan;84(1):157-164.

Maddry JK., Mora A, Savell S, Reeves LV, Perez CA, Bebarta V. An evaluation of TACEVAC pre-hospital care and its effect on clinical outcomes: evidence to support future clinical practice guidelines. No. M-10373. 59 Medical Wing Science and Technology JBSA United States, 2018.

Maddry JK, Anderson K, Mora A Determining predictors of survival among traumatic cardiopulmonary arrest patients in a combat theater environment. No. 18253. 59 MDW San Antonio United States, 2018.

Maddry J, Mora A, Savell S, Perez C, Mason P, Aden J, Bebarta V. Mechanical ventilation methods in transport of critically injured and ill patients by CCATT. 59th Medical Wing Science and Technology JBSA United States, 2018.

Naylor JF, Burbank K, April MD, Wenke JC, Maddry JK, Schauer SG. Effects of prehospital wound prophylaxis in Iraq and Afghanistan on mortality, Journal of Trauma & Treatment vol 7, no. 1 (2018): 1000424.

Naylor JF, April MD, Roper JL, Hill GJ, Clark P, Schauer SG. Emergency department imaging of pediatric trauma patients during combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. Pediatric radiology vol 48, no. 5 (2018): 620-625.

Neal CJ, McCafferty RR, Freedman B, Helgeson MD, Rivet D, Gwinn DE, Rosner MK. Cervical and thoracolumbar spine injury evaluation, transport, and surgery in the deployed setting. Mil Med vol 183, no. suppl_2 (2018): 83-91.

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Pugh MJ, Swan AA, Carlson KF, Jaramillo CA, Eapen BC, Dillahunt-Aspillaga C, Amuan ME et al. Traumatic brain injury severity, comorbidity, social support, family functioning, and community reintegration among Veterans of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation vol 99, no. 2 (2018): S40-S49.

Purcell RL, Donohue MA, Saxena SK, Gordon WT, Lewandowski LL. Combat-related acetabular fractures: outcomes of open versus closed injuries. Injury vol 49, no. 2 (2018): 290-295.

Rasmussen TE. Actionable information to reduce the burden of nonbattle injury in deployed US service personnel. JAMA surgery vol 153, no. 9 (2018): 808-808.

Schauer SG, Arana AA, Naylor JF, Hill GJ, April MD. Prehospital analgesia for pediatric trauma patients in Iraq and Afghanistan. Prehospital Emergency Care 22, no. 5 (2018): 608-613.

Schauer SG, Hill GJ, Connor RE, Oh SJ, April MD. The pediatric resuscitative thoracotomy during combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan–A retrospective cohort study. Injury vol 49, no. 5 (2018): 911-915.

Schauer SG, Naylor JF, Hill GJ, Arana AA, Roper JL, April MD. Association of prehospital intubation with decreased survival among pediatric trauma patients in Iraq and Afghanistan. J Emerg Med vol 36, no. 4 (2018): 657-659.

Schauer SG, Naylor JF, Maddry JK, Beaumont DM, Cunningham CW, Blackburn MB, April MD. Prehospital airway management in Iraq and Afghanistan: a descriptive analysis. Southern Medical Journal vol 111, no. 12 (2018): 707-713.

Schauer SG, Naylor JF, April MD, Fisher MD, Cunningham CW, Fernandez JRD, Shreve BP, Bebarta VS. Prehospital resuscitation performed on hypotensive trauma patients in Afghanistan: The Prehospital Trauma Registry Experience. Mil Med (2018).

Schauer SG, Naylor JF, April MD, Thronson EE, Maddry JK, Becker TE, Gross KR. The first 30 months experience in the non-doctrinal operation inherent resolve medical theater. Mil Med (2018).

Schauer SG, April MD, Hill GJ, Naylor JF, Borgman MA, De Lorenzo RA. Prehospital interventions performed on pediatric trauma patients in Iraq and Afghanistan. Prehospital Emergency Care vol 22, no. 5 (2018): 624-629.

Schauer SG, April MD, Naylor JF, Maddry JK, Arana AA, Dubick MA, Fisher AD, Cunningham CW, Pusateri AE. Prehospital application of hemostatic agents in Iraq and Afghanistan. Prehospital Emergency Care vol 22, no. 5 (2018): 614-623.

Skube ME, Mallery Q, Lusczek E, Elterman J, Spott MA, Beilman GJ. Characteristics of combat-associated small bowel injuries. Mil Med vol 183, no. 9-10 (2018): e454-e459.

Tennent DJ, Polfer EM, Sgromolo NM, Krueger CA, Potter BK. Characterization of disability following traumatic through knee and transfemoral amputations. Injury vol 49, no. 6 (2018): 1193-1196.

Tribble DR, Lewandowski LR, Potter BK, Petfield JL, Stinner DJ, Ganesan A, Krauss M, Murray CK, Trauma Infectious Disease Outcomes Study Group. Osteomyelitis risk factors related to combat trauma open tibia fractures: a case–control analysis. Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma, Sep 2018. 32(9), pp.e344-e353.

Tribble DR, Krauss MR, Murray CK, et al. Epidemiology of trauma-related infections among a combat casualty cohort after initial hospitalization: the trauma infectious disease outcomes study. Surgical infections vol 19, no. 5 (2018): 494-503.

Weintrob AC, Murray CK, Xu J et al. Early infections complicating the care of combat casualties from Iraq and Afghanistan. Surgical infections 19, no. 3 (2018): 286-297.

Janak JC, Clemens MS, Howard JT, Le TD, Cancio LC, Chung KK, Gurney JM, Sosnov JA, Stewart IJ. Using the injury severity score to adjust for comorbid trauma may be double counting burns: implications for burn research, Burns, Mar 2018.

  • This study compares differences in the estimated mortality risk of burn trauma using the traditional injury severity score calculation and the non-burn injury severity score to examine how separating out the risk attributable to the burn injury versus other trauma changes the interpretation and clinical assessment.

Blackman VS, Walrath BD, Reeves LK, Mora AG, Maddry JK, Stockinger ZT, En route care provided by US Navy nurses in Iraq and Afghanistan, Critical-Care Nurse, 02 Apr 2018.

  • US Navy nurses provide en route care for critically injured combat casualties without having a formal program for training, utilization, or evaluation. Little is known about missions supported by Navy nurses. This study characterizes the number and types of patients transported and skill sets required by Navy nurses during combat support deployments.

Staudt AM, Savell, SC, Biever KA, Trevino JD, Valdez-Delgado KK, Suresh M, Gurney JM, Shackelford SA, Maddry JK, Mann-Salinas EA. En route critical care transfer from a Role 2 to a Role 3 medical treatment facility in Afghanistan, American Association of Critical-Care Nurses, Apr 2018.

  • No reports have been published about en route care of patients during transfer from a forward surgical facility (Role 2) to a combat support hospital (Role 3) for comprehensive care. This article describes patients transferred from a Role 2 to a Role 3 US military treatment facility in Afghanistan.

Nessen SC, Gurney JM, Rasmussen TE, Cap AP, Mann-Salinas E, Le TD, Shackelford SA, Remick KN, Akers K, Eastridge B, Jenkins D, Stockinger ZT, Murray CK, Gross, K, Seery J, Mabry R, Holcomb JB, Unrealized potential of the US Military Battlefield Trauma System: DOW rate is higher in Iraq and Afghanistan than in Vietnam, but CFR and KIA rate are lower, Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, Jul 2018.

  • This paper reports that although case fatality rate (CFR) and %Killed in Action (%KIA) rate have improved, the died of wound percentage (%DOW) has increased. The authors also report the relationship of the CFR, %DOW, %KIA, and Injury Severity Score over time for Operations Enduring and Iraqi Freedom.

Orman JA, Parker JA, Stockinger ZT, Nemelka KW, The Military Working Dog Trauma Registry Strategic Planning Group, The need for a combat casualty care research program and trauma registry for military working dogs, Mil Med, 15 Jun 2018.

  • This article provides an overview of the challenges facing successful combat casualty care of military working dogs (MWDs) and the efforts underway to gather and analyze data to improve survival rates of MWDs on the battlefield.

Nnamani NS, Pugh JJ, Amuan ME, Eapen BE, Hudak SJ, Liss MA, Orman JA, Outcomes of genitourinary injury in US Iraq and Afghanistan War veterans receiving care from the Veterans Health Administration, Mil Med, 14 Aug 2018.

  • In the recent conflicts, unprecedented numbers of US service personnel have survived with genitourinary (GU) injury, but few reports have focused on outcomes of these injuries. Outcomes of combat-related GU injury were investigated in wounded US male veterans of Operations Enduring/Iraqi Freedom and New Dawn receiving Veterans Health Administration care.

Kotwal RS, Staudt AM, Mazuchowski EL, Gurney JM, Shackelford SA, Butler FK, Stockinger ZT, Holcomb JB, Nessen SC, Mann-Salinas EA. A US military Role 2 forward surgical team database study of combat mortality in Afghanistan, J Trauma Acute Care Surg, 30 May 2018.

  • Overview of the development of a database to capture Role 2 data from US military Role 2 surgical teams deployed to forward positions in Afghanistan on behalf of the battlefield trauma system.

Janak JC, Stockinger ZT, Mazuchowski E, Kotwal R, Sosnov J, Montgomery H, Butler FK, Shackelford SA, Gurney JM, Spott MA, Finelli L, Smith DJ. Military preventable death conceptual framework: a systematic approach for reducing battlefield mortality, Mil Med, 05 Sep 2018.

  • This manuscript presents the conceptual framework that is guiding our effort to establish the first ever battle-related mortality surveillance system with preventable death metrics and opportunities to improve the trauma care system.

Kotwal RS, Scott LLF, Janak JC, Tarpey BW, Howard JT, Mazuchowski EL, Butler FK, Shackelford SA, Gurney JM, Stockinger ZT. The effect of prehospital transport time, injury severity, and blood transfusion on survival of US military casualties in Iraq, J Trauma Acute Care Surg, Jul 2018.

  • This study sought to evaluate unique aspects inherent to the Iraq conflict and compare these findings to the Afghanistan conflict.

Howard JT, Sosnov JA, Janak JC, Gundlapalli AV, Pettey WB, Walker LE, Stewart IJ. Associations of initial injury severity and posttraumatic stress disorder diagnoses with long-term hypertension risk after combat injury, Hypertension, 19 Mar 2018.

  • This study sought to (1) estimate the prevalence and incidence of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) within a severely injured military cohort, (2) assess the association between the presence and chronicity of PTSD and hypertension, and (3) determine whether or not initial injury severity score and PTSD are independent risk factors for hypertension.

Janak JC, Sosnov JA, Bares JM, Stockinger ZT, Montgomery HR, Kotwal RS, Butler FK, Shackelford SA, Gurney JM, Spott MA, Finelli LN, Mazuchowski EL, Smith DJ. Comparison of military and civilian methods for determining potentially preventable deaths: A systematic review, JAMA Surg, 01 Apr 2018.

  • This paper compares military and civilian preventable death determination methods to understand the existing best practices for evaluating preventable death.

Miller L, Pacheco GJ, Janak JC, Grimm RC, Dierschke NA, Baker J, Orman JA. Causes of death in military working dogs during Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom, 2001-2013, Mil Med, 14 Mar 2018.

  • This study is the most comprehensive study to date that reports causes of death of military working dogs deployed to Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom.

Reed AM, Janak JC, Orman JA, Hudak SJ. Genitourinary (GU) injuries among female US service members during Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom: Findings from the Trauma Outcomes and Urogenital Health (TOUGH) Project, Mil Med, 01 Jul 2018.

  • This study describes the epidemiology of GU injuries among female US service members during Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom and understand the potential for increased female GU injuries in future conflicts and the long-term sequelae from these injury patterns.

Ferencz SE, Davidson AJ, Howard JT, Janak JC, Sosnov JA, Chung KK, Stewart IJ. Coagulopathy and mortality in combat casualties: do the kidneys play a role? Mil Med, 03 Apr 2018.

  • This study explores how the presence of acute traumatic coagulopathy influences the development of acute kidney injury and may mediate mortality in combat casualties.

Davidson AJ, Ferencz SE, Sosnov JA, Howard JT, Janak JC, Chung KK, Stewart IJ. Presenting hypertension, burn injury, and mortality in combat casualties, Burns, Mar 2018.

  • The effect of presenting hypertension is poorly studied in combat casualties. This study hypothesized that elevated mean arterial pressure on presentation to combat hospitals would be associated with poor outcomes.

Le TD, Gurney JM, Nnamani NS, Gross KR, Chung KK, Stockinger ZT, Nessen SC, Pusateri AE, Akers KS. A 12-Year analysis of nonbattle injury among US service members deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan, JAMA Surg, Sep 2018.

  • This paper documents the significance and magnitude of nonbattle injury in the deployed environment, and how the prevention of nonbattle injury could reduce a portion of the injury burden sustained during war.

Stockinger ZT, Turner CA, Gurney JM. Abdominal trauma surgery during recent US combat operations from 2002 to 2016, J Trauma Acute Care Surg, Jul 2018.

  • Abdominal surgery constitutes approximately 13% of surgical procedures performed for combat injuries. This study examines the frequencies and type of abdominal surgical procedures performed during recent US Military operations.

Turner CA, Stockinger ZT, Bell RS, Gurney JM. Neurosurgical workload during US combat operations: 2002 to 2016, J Trauma Acute Care Surg, Jul 2018.

  • This study examines the neurosurgical workload in Iraq and Afghanistan in order to inform the future predeployment neurosurgical training needs of nonneurosurgical providers.

Turner CA, Orman JA, Stockinger ZT, Hudak SJ. Genitourinary surgical workload at deployed US facilities in Iraq and Afghanistan, 2002-2016, Mil Med, 13 Jun 2018.

  • This paper describes in detail the genitourinary surgical workload during 15 years of combat operations to better understand the training and skills maintenance needs for genitourinary procedures.

Howard JT, Kotwal RS, Santos AR, Martin MJ, Stockinger ZT. Re-examination of a Battlefield Trauma Golden Hour Policy, J Trauma Acute Care Surg, Jan 2018.

  • This retrospective analysis evaluates proposed explanations for observed KIA reduction after a mandate by Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates that transport of injured service members occur within 60 minutes.

Turner CA, Stockinger ZT, Gurney JM. Vascular surgery during U.S. combat operations from 2002 to 2016: Analysis of vascular procedures performed to inform military training, J Trauma Acute Care Surg, Jul 2018.

  • This study examines the frequency and type of vascular surgical procedures performed during recent US Military operations from 2002 to 2016.

Shackelford SA, Del Junco DJ. Prehospital blood product transfusion and combat injury survival-Reply, JAMA, 20 Mar 2018.

  • In Reply: Although a retrospective study cannot rule out unmeasured confounding, we respectfully disagree with Dr. David and colleagues that the reported between-group mortality difference "may be related to the quality of prehospital resuscitation rather than prehospital transfusion."

Shackelford SA, del Junco DJ, Reade MC, Bell R, Becker T, Gurney JM, McCafferty R, Marion DW. Association of time to craniectomy with survival in patients with combat-related brain injury, Neurosurgical Focus: Journal of Neurosurgery, 01 Dec 2018.

Granite G, Pugh K, Chen H, Longinaker N, Garofalo E, Shackelford S, Shalin V, Puche A, Pasley J, Sarani B, Henry S, Bowyer M, Mackenzie C. Assessment of anatomical knowledge and core trauma competency vascular skills, Mil Med, Mar 2018.

  • This study reports residents' self-confidence evaluated before and after advanced surgical skills for exposure in trauma cadaver-based training, and 12-18 months later

Woolley T, Thompson P, Kirkman E, Reed R, Ausset S, Beckett A, Bjerkvig C, Cap AP, Coats T, Cohen M, Despasquale M, Dorlac W, Doughty H, Dutton R, Eastridge B, Glassberg E, Hudson A, Jenkins D, Keenan S, Martinaud C, Miles E, Moore E, Nordmann G, Prat N, Rappold J, Reade MC, Rees P, Rickard R, Schreiber M, Shackelford SA, Skogran Eliassen H, Smith J, Smith M, Spinella P, Strandenes G, Ward K, Watts S, White N, Williams S. Trauma hemostasis and oxygenation research network position paper on the role of hypotensive resuscitation as part of remote damage control resuscitation, J Trauma Acute Care Surg, Jun 2018.

  • This review aims to challenge the current concept of hypotensive resuscitation when applied to remote damage control resuscitation in either a civilian or military situation to suggest targets for resuscitation in this situation, and to act as a call for research into specific questions.

Mackenzie CF, Bowyer MW, Henry S, Tisherman SA, Puche A, Chen H, Shalin V, Pugh K, Garofalo E, Shackelford SA; Retention and Assessment of Surgical Performance Group of Investigators. Cadaver-based trauma procedural skills training: skills retention 30 months after training among practicing surgeons in comparison to experts or more recently trained residents, J Am Coll Surg, 22 Aug 2018.

  • Prospective study measured and compared technical skills for trauma core competencies at mean 14 months (38 residents), 30 months (35 practicing surgeons), and 46 months (10 experts) after training to determine if skill degradation occurs with time.

Kotwal RS, Staudt AM, Trevino JD, Valdez-Delgado KK, Le TD, Gurney JM, Sauer SW, Shackelford SA, Stockinger ZT, Mann-Salinas EA. A review of casualties transported to Role 2 medical treatment facilities in Afghanistan, Mil Med, 01 Mar 2018.

  • A retrospective review and descriptive analysis of trauma patients transported from Role 1 entities to Role 2 facilities in Afghanistan from 2008 to 2014 found casualties to be diverse in affiliation and delivered by various types and modes of transport.

Staudt A, Gurney JM, Valdez-Delgado K, Suresh M, Trevino J, Le T, Seery J, Shackelford SA, Nessen S, Mann-Salinas E. Factors associated with trauma patients' length of stay at Role 2 facilities in Afghanistan, October 2009 to September 2014, J Trauma Acute Care Surg, Jul 2018.

  • A secondary data analysis of the Joint Trauma System Role 2 Database. Logistic regression was used to determine factors associated with extended length of stay at Role 2.

Galvagno SM Jr, Mabry RL, Maddry J, Kharod CU, Walrath BD, Powell E, Shackelford SA. Measuring US Army medical evacuation: metrics for performance improvement, J Trauma Acute Care Surg, Jan 2018.

  • A demonstration project to advance a model of quality assurance surveillance and medical direction for prehospital MEDEVAC providers within the Joint Trauma System.

Rodriguez CJ, Tribble DR, Malone DL, Murray CK, Jessie EM, Khan M, Fleming ME, Potter BK, Gordon WT, Shackelford SA. Treatment of suspected invasive fungal infection (IFI) in war wounds, Mil Med, 01 Sep 2018

  • The Joint Trauma System developed a clinical practice guideline on IFI prevention, identification and management. Aggressive and frequent surgical debridement remains the primary therapy accompanied by topical antifungal therapy

Ritter J, O'Brien S, Rivet D, Gibb I, Grimes J, Hinds S, Jessinger R, May T, Wirt M, Shackelford S, Adam O, York G, Ritchie B, Flores R, Stockinger Z. Radiology: Imaging trauma patients in a deployed setting, Mil Med, 01 Sep 2018.

  • This clinical practice guideline provides an overview of the imaging modalities available in austere settings, the equipment required, and the role that each plays in triaging and diagnosis of the acutely injured poly-trauma patients

Hall A, Sexton J, Lynch B, Boecker F, Davis EP, Sturgill E, Steinmetz M, Shackelford S, Gurney J, Stockinger Z, King B. Frostbite and immersion foot care, Mil Med, 01 Sep 2018.

  • Historically, cold injury, hypothermia, and frostbite have been severe problems for military units on the battlefield. This paper discusses the evaluation and care of these conditions.

Gordon WT, Fleming ME, Johnson AE, Gurney JM, Shackelford SA, Stockinger ZT. Pelvic fracture care, Mil Med, 01 Sep 2018.

  • The goal of this clinical practice guideline is to provide a brief review of guidelines to stabilize and treat pelvic fractures sustained in combat casualties.

Ostberg D, Loos PE, Mann-Salinas EA, Creson C, Powell D, Riesberg JC, Keenan S, Shackelford SA. Nursing interventions in prolonged field care, J Spec Oper Med, Summer 2018.

  • An overview of nursing interventions in austere environments when evacuation to a higher level of care is not immediately possible.

Loos PE, Glassman E, Doerr D, Dail R, Pamplin JC, Powell D, Riesberg JC, Keenan S, Shackelford SA. Documentation in prolonged field care, J Spec Oper Med, Spring 2018.

  • This article introduces a standardized patient record that is used to help prehospital provider guide medical treatments and communicate vital patient data, interventions and observations to the next levels of care.

Spott MA, Kurkowski CR, Burelison DR, Stockinger ZT. The DoD Trauma Registry versus the electronic health record. Mil Med 183, no. suppl_2 (2018): 8-11.

Stockinger ZT. The Joint Trauma System and the Fog of War. Mil Med, Volume 183, Issue suppl_2, 1 September 2018, 1–3.

Lloyd BA, Murray CK, Shaikh F, et al. Early infectious outcomes following addition of fluoroquinolone or aminoglycoside to post-trauma antibiotic prophylaxis in combat-related open fracture injuries. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2017 Nov; 83(5): 854–861.

Campbell WR, Li P, Whitman TJ, et al. Multi-drug–resistant gram-negative infections in deployment-related trauma patients. Surg Infect (Larchmt) 2017 Apr 1; 18(3): 357–367.

Lloyd BA, Murray CK, Bradley W, et al. Variation in post-injury antibiotic prophylaxis patterns over five years in a combat zone. Mil Med. 2017 Mar; 182(Suppl 1): 346–352

Godfrey BW, Martin A, Chestovich PJ, Lee GH, Ingalls NK, Saldanha V. Patients with multiple traumatic amputations: An analysis of operation enduring freedom joint theatre trauma registry data. Injury. 2017 Jan;48(1):75-79.

DeSoucy ES, Shackelford S, Dubose J, Zweben S, Rush SC, Kotwal RS, Montgomery HR, Keenan S. A novel review of 54 cases of prolonged field care. J Spec Oper Med. 2017; 17(1):121-9. PMID: 28285490.

Kotwal RS, Butler FK. Junctional hemorrhage control for tactical combat casualty care. Wilderness Environ Med. 2017; 28(Suppl 2):S33-38. PMID: 28318990.

Kotwal RS, Montgomery HR, Miles EA, Conklin CC, Hall MT, McChrystal SA. Leadership and a casualty response system for eliminating preventable death. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2017; 82(6 Suppl 1):S9-S15. PMID: 28333833.

Schauer SG, April MD, Naylor JF, Oliver JJ, Cunningham CW, Fisher AD, Kotwal RS. A descriptive analysis of data from the Department of Defense Joint Trauma System Prehospital Trauma Registry. US Army Med Dep J. 2017; Oct-Dec:92-97. PMID: 29214626.

Shackelford SA, del Junco DJ, Powell-Dunford N, Mazuchowski E, Howard JT, Kotwal RS, Gurney J, Butler FK, Gross K, Stockinger Z. Association of prehospital blood product transfusion during medical evacuation of combat casualties in Afghanistan with acute and 30-day survival. JAMA. 2017; 318(16):1581-1591. PMID: 29067429.

SG Schauer, MD April, E Simon, JK Maddry, et al. Prehospital interventions during mass-casualty events in Afghanistan: a case analysis. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, Vol 32, Issue 4, August 2017 , pp. 465-468

NJ Prat, AD Meyer, NK Ingalls, et al. ROTEM significantly optimizes transfusion practices for damage control resuscitation in combat casualties. J. Trauma Acute Care Surg, Jun 6 2017.

Butler FK, Two decades of saving lives on the battlefield: tactical combat casualty care turns 20. Mil Med, Volume 182, Issue 3-4, March-April 2017, Pages e1563–e1568.

JJ Walker, ZT Stockinger, CG Chinn. Establishing a Joint Theater Trauma System During Phase Zero Operations. Mil Med, Volume 182, Issue suppl_1, March 2017, Pages 41–46

KR Gross, B Eastridge, JA Bailey, MM Knudson. Trauma system development and the Joint Trauma System. Front Line Surgery pp 761-774, 22 Jul 2017.

NA Huprikar, SD Deas, AJ Skabelund. Non-traumatic pulmonary emergencies in the deployed setting. Pulmonary in Combat Medicine. June 2017, Volume 6, Issue 2, pp 138–145

C Fredericks, JC Kubasiak, CJ Mentzer. Massive transfusion: An update for the anesthesiologist. World J Anesthesiol 2017; 6(1): 14-21

Clemens MS, Janak JC, Rizzo JA, Graybill JC, Buehner MF, Hudak SJ, Thompson CK, Chung KK. Burns to the genitalia, perineum, and buttocks increase the risk of death among U.S. service members sustaining combat-related burns in Iraq and Afghanistan, Burns, Aug 2017.

  • This study's purpose was to determine the risk of mortality associated with combat-related burns to the genitalia, perineum, and buttocks among service members injured in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Stewart IJ, Sosnov JA, Snow BD, Batou A, Howard JT, Janak JC, Bollinger M, Chung KK. Hypertension after injury among burned combat veterans: A retrospective cohort study, Burns, Mar 2017.

  • The long-term health effects of burn are poorly understood. This study evaluates the relationship between burn and the subsequent development of hypertension.

Janak JC, Orman JA, Soderdahl DW, Hudak SJ. Epidemiology of genitourinary injuries among male US service members deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan: Early findings from the Trauma Outcomes and Urogenital Health (TOUGH) Project, J Urol, Feb 2017.

  • This study reports the number, nature and severity of genitourinary injuries among male US service members deployed to Operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom.

Howard JT, Stockinger ZT, Cap AP, Bailey JA, Gross KR. Military use of tranexamic acid in combat trauma: Does it matter? J Trauma Acute Care Surg, Oct 2017.

  • The paper provides an evaluation of the efficacy and safety of TXA use in military casualties and provide additional guidance for continued use.

Stewart IJ, Snow BD, Clemens MS, Sosnov JA, Ross JD, Howard JT, Chung KK. Hyperkalemia in combat casualties: implications for delayed evacuation, Military Medicine, Nov 2017.

  • Fixed facilities and rapid global evacuation ensured that delayed complications of trauma, such as hyperkalemia, occurred late in the evacuation chain where renal replacement therapies were available. This study sought to quantify one potential risk of delayed evacuation by assessing hyperkalemia in combat casualties.

Turner CA, Stockinger ZT, Gurney JM, Combat surgical workload in OIF/OEF: the definitive analysis, Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, 20 Apr 2017.

  • This study analyzes US military combat surgical workload in Iraq and Afghanistan to gain a more thorough understanding of surgical training gaps and personnel requirements.

Butler FK, Bennett B, Wedmore I, Tactical combat casualty care and wilderness medicine: advancing trauma care in austere environments, Wilderness and Environmental Medicine, May 2017.

  • Since most combat fatalities occur before the casualty reaches the care of a surgeon, Tactical Combat Casualty Care plays a key role in ensuring that casualties have a maximal chance of survival. This article describes the organizations leading this effort and the resulting clinical care advances.

Butler FK, Tactical combat casualty care: beginnings, Wilderness and Environmental Medicine, Jun 2017.

  • An overview of the origins of Tactical Combat Casualty Care, a set of evidence-based, best-practice prehospital trauma care guidelines customized for use on the battlefield.

Butler FK, Lessons learned in tactical combat casualty care, Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, 22 Mar 2017.

  • A discussion of lessons learned and US military's advances in trauma care achieved as a result of the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan and the implications of those advances for the civilian sector.

Butler FK, Bennett BL, Tactical combat casualty care: transitioning battlefield lessons learned to other austere environments, Wilderness and Environmental Medicine, 08 Mar 2017.

  • An overview of efforts to accelerate military-to-civilian translation of advances in prehospital trauma care information, training, and equipment to medical providers in other austere environments, including wilderness and mountain medicine, search and rescue, tactical law enforcement ,and emergency medical services response to terrorist-related mass casualty incidents.

Wedmore IS, Butler FK, Battlefield analgesia in tactical combat casualty care, Wilderness and Environmental Medicine, Jun 2017.

  • This paper outlines the evolution and evidence base for battlefield analgesia as recommended by Tactical Combat Casualty Care.

Butler FK, Fluid resuscitation in tactical combat casualty care: yesterday and today, Wilderness and Environmental Medicine, Jun 2017.

  • This article reviews the advances in prehospital fluid resuscitation as recommended by the original TCCC Guidelines and modified over the following 2 decades. These advances include hypotensive resuscitation, use of prehospital whole blood or blood components when feasible, and use of Hextend or selected crystalloids when logistical considerations make blood or blood component use not feasible.

Shackelford SA, Del Junco D, Powell-Dunford N, Mazuchowski E, Howard J, Kotwal R, Gurney J, Butler FK, Gross K, Stockinger ZT, Association of pre-hospital blood product transfusion during medical evacuation of combat casualties in Afghanistan with acute and 30-day survival, JAMA, 24 Oct 2017.

  • Prehospital blood product transfusion in trauma care remains controversial due to poor-quality evidence and cost. This paper examines the association of prehospital transfusion and time to initial transfusion with injury survival.

Schauer SG, Cunningham, CW, April MD, Fisher AD, Naylor JF, Kotwal RS, Oliver JJ. Descriptive analysis of data from the Department of Defense Joint Trauma System Prehospital Trauma Registry, US Army Medical Department Journal, Oct-Dec 2017, p 92.

  • This article is a descriptive analysis of data from the Joint Trauma System's (JTS) Prehospital Trauma Registry. The JTS collected trauma-associated data which comprise the PHTR are consolidated from Tactical Combat Casualty Care cards and After Action Reports.

Escolas SM, Archuleta DJ, Orman JA, Chung KK, Renz EM. Postdischarge cause-of-death analysis of combat-related burn patients. J Burn Care Res. Jan/Feb 2017.

  • This study examines the case fatality rate, causes of death, and the prevalence of suicide among 830 combat burn patients discharged from the sole burn center in the DoD, between Mar 7, 2003 and Mar 6, 2013.

van Wyck D, Loos PE, Friedline N, Stephens D, Smedick BC, McCafferty R, Rush SC, Keenan S, Powell D, Shackelford SA. Traumatic brain injury management in prolonged field care, J Spec Oper Med, Fall 2017.

  • This clinical practice guideline is meant to provide medical professionals who encounter traumatic brain injury in austere environments with evidence-based guidance.

Rapp J, Plackett TP, Crane J, Lu J, Hall A, Hardin D, Loos PE, Kelly R, Murray CK, Keenan S, Shackelford S. Acute traumatic wound management in the prolonged field care setting, J Spec Oper Med, Summer 2017.

  • This Role 1, prolonged field care guideline is intended for use after TCCC guidelines when evacuation to higher level of care is not immediately possible.

Kragh JF Jr, Aden JK Rd, Shackelford S, Moore VK 3rd, Dubick MA. Assessment of trainer skill to control groin-wound bleeding: use of junctional tourniquet models on a manikin, J Spec Oper Med, Summer 2017.

  • This purpose of this study was to assess the skills of trainers using different junctional tourniquet models to control groin bleeding in a manikin.

Plackett TP, Cherry DC, Delk G, Satterly S, Theler J, McVay D, Moore J, Shackelford SA. Clinical practice guideline adherence during Operation Inherent Resolve, J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2017

  • A retrospective review was performed of all patients treated at 3 separate US Army Role 2 facilities during the first 10 months of Operation Inherent Resolve in Iraq. Charts were reviewed for patient demographics, clinical care, and outcomes. Charts were also reviewed for compliance with JTS CPGs and TCCC recommendations.

Mackenzie CF, Pasley J, Garofalo E, Shackelford SA, Chen H, Longinaker N, Granite G, Pugh K, Hagegeorge G, Tisherman SA. Head-camera video recordings of trauma core competency procedures can evaluate surgical resident's technical performance as well as colocated evaluators, J Trauma Acute Care Surg, 2017 Jul.

  • This study tested whether a previously validated individual procedure score for individual procedure vascular exposure and fasciotomy performance skills could discriminate training status by comparing IPS of evaluators collocated with surgeons to blind video evaluations.

Holzmacher J, Sarani B, Puche A, Granite G, Shalin V, Pugh K, Teeter W, Tisherman S, Shackelford S, Mackenzie CF. Can hyper-realistic physical models of peripheral vessel exposure and fasciotomy replace cadavers for performance assessment? J Trauma Acute Care Surg, Jul 2017

  • A comparison of same surgeon performance between synthetic and cadaveric models to determine interchangeability for formative evaluation.

DeSoucy E, Shackelford S, DuBose JJ, Zweben S, Rush SC, Kotwal RS, Montgomery HR, Keenan S. Review of 54 cases of prolonged field care, J Spec Oper Med, Spring 2017.

  • A case review was conducted to define the epidemiology, environment, and operational factors that affect prolonged field care outcomes.

Mackenzie CF, Garofalo E, Puche A, Chen H, Pugh K, Shackelford SA, Tisherman S, Henry S, Bowyer MW; Retention and Assessment of Surgical Performance (RASP) Group of Investigators. Performance of vascular exposure and fasciotomy among surgical residents before and after training compared with experts, JAMA Surg, 01 Jun 2017.

  • This longitude study measures resident surgeon technical and nontechnical skills for trauma core competencies before and after training and up to 18 months later and to compare resident performance with the performance of expert traumatologists.

Yang S, Menne A, Hu P, Stansbury L, Gao C, Dorsey N, Chiu W, Shackelford SA, Mackenzie C. Acoustic sensor versus electrocardiographically derived respiratory rate in unstable trauma patients, J Clin Monit Comput, 31 Aug 2017.

  • This paper looks at how data derived from the first 15 min of respiratory rate (RR) recording after trauma center admission using a novel acoustic sensor would compare to electrocardiogram-derived RR and to end-tidal carbon dioxide-based RR from intubated patients, the "gold standard" in predicting life-saving interventions in unstable trauma patients.

Reynolds ME, Hoover C, Riesberg JC, Mazzoli RA, Colyer M, Barnes S, Calvano CJ, Karesh JW, Murray CK, Butler FK Jr, Keenan S, Shackelford S. Evaluation and treatment of ocular injuries and vision-threatening conditions in prolonged field care, J Spec Oper Med, Winter 2017.

  • This guidelines are based on standard ophthalmic practice adopted to address the austere or remote environment, when the "Shield and Ship" guidelines are interrupted by delayed evacuation.

Beltran MJ1, Becker TE, Hurley RK, Gurney JM, Hayda RA. Resuscitation and treatment of shock. J Orthop Trauma, Oct 2016.

  • Patients with orthopaedic trauma sustained in combat frequently present in hemorrhagic shock as a result of traumatic amputations, open long bone fractures with massive soft tissue injuries, and pelvic ring disruptions. The paper reviews the advances in the care of polytraumatized patients with extremity injuries and accompanying clinical care strategies.

Stewart IJ, Sosnov JA, Howard JT, Chung KK. Acute kidney injury in critically injured combat veterans: a retrospective cohort study. Am J Kidney Dis., Oct 2016.

  • This study sought to identify risk factors for acute kidney injury (AKI) after combat trauma and evaluate whether AKI is a predictor of mortality.

Powell-Dunford N, Quesada JF, Gross KR, Shackelford SA. Army Air Ambulance Blood Product Program in the combat zone and challenges to best practices, Aerosp Med Hum Perform, Aug 2016.

  • Authors identify challenges and best practices in the development of an austere air ambulance transfusion program.

Kotwal RS, Howard JT, Orman JA, Tarpey BW, Bailey JA, Champion HR, Mabry RL, Holcomb JB, Gross KR. The effect of a Golden Hour Policy on the morbidity and mortality of combat casualties, JAMA Surg, Jan 2016.

  • Authors compare morbidity and mortality outcomes for casualties before versus after the mandate and for those who underwent prehospital helicopter transport in 60 minutes or less versus more than 60 minutes.

Le TD, Orman JA, Stockinger ZT, Spott MA, West SA, Mann-Salinas EA, Chung KK, Gross KR. The Military Injury Severity Score (mISS): A better predictor of combat mortality than Injury Severity Score (ISS), J Trauma Acute Care Surg, Jul 2016.

  • This study examines the discrepancies between military and civilian injury severity scoring systems using anatomic injury scales (mAIS vs. AIS) and injury scores (mISS vs. ISS) and determine whether the mISS is a superior injury severity scoring system for defining injury severity to compare treatment effects and injury outcomes (e.g., mortality) for combat trauma research and to inform trauma care process improvement.

Kragh JF, Lunati MP, Kharod CU, Cunningham CW, Bailey JA, Stockinger ZT, Cap AP, Chen J, Aden JK, Cancio LC. Assessment of groin application of junctional tourniquets in a manikin model, Prehosp Disaster Med, Aug 2016.

  • To aid in preparation of military medic trainers for a possible new curriculum in teaching junctional tourniquet use, the investigators studied the time to control hemorrhage and blood volume lost in order to provide evidence for ease of use.

Nnamani NS, Janak JC, Hudak SJ, Rivera JC, Lewis EA, Soderdahl DW, Orman JA. Genitourinary injuries and extremity amputation in Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom: Early findings from the Trauma Outcomes and Urogenital Health (TOUGH) project, J Trauma Acute Care Surg, Nov 2016.

  • This study describes extremity amputations associated with combat deployment–related genitourinary injuries in male US Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom service members who survived these injuries.

Rivera JC, Greer RM, Spott MA, Johnson AE. The Military Orthopaedic Trauma Registry: the potential of a specialty specific process improvement tool, J Trauma Acute Care Surg, Suppl 2 Proceedings of the 2015 Military Health System Research Symposium, Nov 2016.

  • A quality assurance survey of Military Orthopaedic Trauma Registry (MOTR) entrants aims to determine if a simple MOTR data pull could provide robust orthopaedic-specific information toward the question of causes for late amputation. Periodic quality assurance checks optimize the registry data for future quality improvement efforts.

Gerhardt RT, Reeves PT, Kotwal RS, Mabry RL, Robinson JB, Butler F, Analysis of prehospital documentation of injury-related pain assessment and analgesic administration on the contemporary battlefield, Prehospital Emergency Care Journal, 04 Jan 2016.

  • Retrospective cohort study of battlefield prehospital and hospital casualty data were abstracted by the DoD Trauma Registry from available records from 1 Sep 2007 through 30 Jun 2011. The primary focus of analysis of US combat casualty data is prehospital pain assessment, analgesic administration and documentation.

Rivera JC, Greer RM, Wenke JC, Ficke JR, Johnson AW. Military Orthopaedic Trauma Registry: Quality data now available, Journal of Surgical Orthopaedic Advances, Summer 2016.

  • As a quality improvement process, this study examined Military Orthopaedic Trauma Registry data for 20 female amputees compared with DoD Trauma Registry data

Haut ER, Mann NC, Kotwal RS, Military trauma care's learning health system: the importance of data driven decision making (Report). Commissioned by National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Committee on Military Trauma Care's Learning Health System and Its Translation to the Civilian Sector, 2016.

  • The report was commissioned to better understand the processes by which trauma data are collected, analyzed, and applied to guide decision making at the system and patient levels in both the military and civilian sectors.

Janak JC, Alamgir AH, Perez A, Orman JA. US military service and the prevalence of metabolic syndrome: findings from a cross-sectional analysis of the Cooper Center Longitudinal Study, 1979–2013, Preventive Medicine, Dec 2016.

  • US military service confers both health benefits and risks potentially associated with a clustering of cardiovascular risk factors called metabolic syndrome. However, the association between prior military service and metabolic syndrome has not sufficiently been examined. The purpose of the study was to compare the prevalence of metabolic syndrome by prior military service status.

Howard JT, Janak JC, Hinojosa-Laborde C, Convertino VA. Specificity of compensatory reserve and tissue oxygenation as early predictors of tolerance to progressive reductions in central blood volume, Shock, Sep 2016.

  • This experiment conducted a head-to-head comparison of technologies during controlled simulated hemorrhage in humans to test the hypothesis that measurement of the compensatory reserve would provide greater sensitivity and/or specificity to predict the onset of hemodynamic decompensation compared with SmO2.

Zhu H, Fox EE, Baraniuk S, Holcomb JB, Wade CE, Del Junco DJ, Tilley BC; PROPPR Study Group. Assessing protocol adherence in a clinical trial with ordered treatment regimens: Quantifying the pragmatic, randomized optimal platelet and plasma ratios (PROPPR) trial experience, Injury, Oct 2016.

  • Medication dispensing errors are common in clinical trials, and have a significant impact on the quality and validity of a trial. This paper focuses on errors in trials where the intervention includes multiple therapies that must be given in a pre-specified order that varies across treatment arms and varies in duration.

Zielinski MD, Wilson GA, Johnson PM, Polites SF, Jenkins DH, Harmsen WS, Holcomb JB, Wade CE, Del Junco DJ, Fox EE, Stubbs JR. Ideal hemoglobin transfusion target for resuscitation of massive-transfusion patients, Surgery, Dec 2016.

  • Over transfusion of packed red blood cells is known to increase the risk of death in stable patients. This study aimed to define the ideal hemoglobin range 24 hours after anatomic hemostasis associated with the lowest mortality.

Choi S, Rahbar MH, Ning J, Del Junco DJ, Rahbar E, Hong C, Piao J, Fox EE, Holcomb JB. Recurrent event frailty models reduced time-varying and other biases in evaluating transfusion protocols for traumatic hemorrhage, J Clin Epidemiol, Sep 2016.

  • The study objectives were to (1) accurately describe when red blood cells (RBCs), plasma, and platelets were infused and (2) assess the effect of transfused blood product ratios on in-hospital mortality. Using the proposed random-effect model, authors jointly assess recurrence intensities for RBCs and plasma (or platelet) transfusions and also include hazard rate analysis to evaluate the effects of multiple blood transfusions on early trauma mortality.

Ning J, Rahbar MH, Choi S, Hong C, Piao J, del Junco DJ, Fox EE, Rahbar E, Holcomb JB. A joint latent class analysis for adjusting survival bias with application to a trauma transfusion study, Stat Med. 15 Jan 2016.

  • This article proposes to use a latent class model to obtain a more accurate and complete metric in the presence of early death.

Mann-Salinas EA, Le TD, Shackelford SA, Bailey JA, Stockinger ZT, Spott MA, Wirt MD, Rickard R, Lane IB, Hodgetts T, Cardin S, Remick KN, Gross KR. Evaluation of role 2 (R2) medical resources in the Afghanistan combat theater: Initial review of the joint trauma system R2 registry, J Trauma Acute Care Surg, Nov 2016.

  • The purpose of this project was to undertake a preliminary review of the R2 registry to understand combat trauma epidemiology and related interventions at these facilities to guide training and optimal use of forward surgical capability in the future.

Remick KN, Shackelford SA, Oh JS, Seery JM, Grabo D, Chovanes J, Gross KR, Nessen SC, Tai NR, Rickard RF1, Elster E, Schwab CW. Surgeon preparedness for mass casualty events: Adapting essential military surgical lessons for the home front, Am J Disaster Med, Spring 2016.

  • This paper describes the unique lessons learned from combat surgery over the course of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and adapt these lessons to enhance civilian surgical readiness for a mass casualty event on the home front.

Gerhardt RT, Glassberg E, Holcomb JB, Mabry RL, Schreiber MB, Spinella PC. Tactical study of care originating in the prehospital environment (tacscope): acute traumatic coagulopathy on the contemporary battlefield, Shock, Sep 2016.

  • Authors analyzed US casualty records from the DoD Trauma Registry, using International Normalized Ratio of 1.5 for onset of acute traumatic coagulopathy.

Butler FK, Blackbourne LH, Gross K. The Combat Medic Aid Bag: 2025. CoTCCC Top 10 Recommended Battlefield Trauma Care Research, Development, and Evaluation Priorities for 2015. J Spec Oper Med. Winter 2015.

  • This article provides the collective judgment of the Committee of Tactical Combat Casualty Care about the highest priorities for research, development, technology and equipment that relate to battlefield trauma care.

Onifer DJ, Butler FK, Gross KR, Otten EJ, Patton R, Russell RJ, Stockinger Z, Burrell E. Replacement of Promethazine With Ondansetron for Treatment of Opioid- and Trauma-Related Nausea and Vomiting in Tactical Combat Casualty Care. J Spec Oper Med. Summer 2015

  • A discussion of the recommendation of removing promethazine from the Tactical Combat Casualty Care Guidelines and replacing it with ondansetron.

Shackelford SA, Fowler M, Schultz K, Summers A, Galvagno SM, Gross KR, Mabry RL, Bailey JA, Kotwal RS, Butler FK. Prehospital pain medication use by U.S. Forces in Afghanistan, Mil Med, Mar 2015.

  • A report of the results of a process improvement initiative to examine the current use and safety of prehospital pain medications by US Forces in Afghanistan

Sauer SW, Robinson JB, Smith MP, Gross KR, Kotwal RS, Mabry RL, Butler FK, Stockinger ZT, Bailey JA, Mavity ME, Gillies DA 2nd. Saving Lives on the Battlefield (Part II) - One year later a Joint Theater Trauma System and Joint Trauma System review of prehospital trauma care in combined joint operations area? Afghanistan (CJOA-A) Final Report, 30 May 2014. J Spec Oper Med. Summer 2015.

  • This report on prehospital trauma in the Combined Joint Operations Area-Afghanistan is a follow-on to the one previously conducted in Nov 2012 and published in Jan 2013.

Janak J, Hudak S, Soderdahl D, Oman J, Pottol K, Dean W. MP27-05 Severe war-related genitourinary injuries among male service members in OEF and OIF, The Journal of Urology, Apr 2015.

  • This study describes the epidemiology of severe war-related genitourinary injuries in this population.

Butler FK, Smith DJ, Carmona RH. Implementing and preserving the advances in combat casualty care from Iraq and Afghanistan throughout the US military, J Trauma Acute Care Surg, Aug 2015.

  • The US Military needs to ensure that casualty care advances are sustained during peace intervals and that we continue to build upon our successes as we prepare for future conflicts. This article contains recommendations designed to accomplish those goals.

Drew J, Chou VB, Miller C, Borg B, Ingalls N, Shackelford SA. Clearing the cervical spine in a war zone: what other injuries matter? Mil Med, Jul 2015.

  • Retrospective review was conducted of patients entered into DoD Trauma Registry Jan 2008 to Aug 2013, identifying blunt trauma patients with cervical spine injury and Glasgow Coma Score ≥ 14

Gerhardt RT, Reeves PT, Kotwal RS, Mabry RL, Robinson JB, Butler FK. Analysis of prehospital documentation of injury-related pain assessment and analgesic administration on the contemporary battlefield, Prehosp Emerg Care, 04 Jan 2016

  • Retrospective cohort study of battlefield prehospital and hospital casualty data were abstracted by DoDTR from available records from 1 Sep 2007 - 30 Jun 2011

Stewart IJ, Sosnov JA, Howard JT, Orman JA, Fang R, Morrow BD, Zonies DH, Bollinger M, Tuman C, Freedman BA, Chung KK. Retrospective analysis of long-term outcomes after combat injury: a hidden cost of war, Circulation, Dec 2015.

  • The paper discusses the relation between markers of injury severity and the subsequent development of hypertension, coronary artery disease, diabetes mellitus, and chronic kidney disease.

Fang R, Markandaya M, DuBose JJ, Cancio LC, Shackelford S, Blackbourne LH. Early in-theater management of combat-related traumatic brain injury: A prospective, observational study to identify opportunities for performance improvement, J Trauma Acute Care Surg, Oct 2015.

  • This is a prospective observational study of consecutive combat-related moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury casualties presenting to US Role 3 medical facilities.

Haider AH, Piper LC, Zogg CK, Schneider EB, Orman JA, Butler FK, Gerhardt RT, Haut ER, Mather JP, MacKenzie EJ, Schwartz DA, Geyer DW, DuBose JJ, Rasmussen TE, Blackbourne LH. Military-to-civilian translation of battlefield innovations in operative trauma care, Surgery, 23 Jul 2015

  • This study surveyed trauma medical directors at level 1-3 trauma centers across the US and gauge the extent to which battlefield innovations have shaped civilian practice in 4 key domains of trauma care.

Kontos AP, Elbin RJ, Kotwal RS, Lutz RH, Kane S, Benson PJ, Forsten RD, Collins MW. The Effects of Combat-Related Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI): Does Blast mTBI History Matter? J Trauma Acute Care Surg, Oct 2015.

  • The purposes of this study were to examine prospectively the effects of mTBI on neurocognitive performance as well as mTBI and PTS symptoms among US Army Special Operations Command personnel and to study the influence of history of blast mTBI on these effects.

Stewart IJ, Sosnov JA, Howard JT, Orman JA, Fang R, Morrow BD, Zonies DH, Bollinger M, Tuman C, Freedman BA, Chung KK, Retrospective analysis of long-term outcomes after combat injury: a hidden cost of war, Circulation, Dec 2015.

  • This study set out to determine the relation between markers of injury severity and the subsequent development of hypertension, coronary artery disease, diabetes mellitus, and chronic kidney disease.

Schauer SG, Bellamy MA, Mabry RL, Bebarta VS. A comparison of the incidence of cricothyrotomy in the deployed setting to the emergency department at a level 1 military, Mil Med, Mar 2015.

  • The aim of this study was to compare the incidence and outcome of cricothyrotomies at military's only level 1 trauma center to cricothyrotomies performed in the military settings of Iraq and Afghanistan by physicians and physician assistants.
Combat Trauma Lessons Learned from Military Operations cover
Combat Trauma Lessons Learned from
Military Operations of 2001-2013

Theater Trauma Lessons Learned report summarizing lessons learned from the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan.

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