Mission Statement

To develop on an ongoing basis the best possible set of trauma care guidelines customized for the tactical environment and to facilitate the transition of these recommendations into battlefield trauma care practice.
The Committee on Tactical Combat Casualty Care (CoTCCC) is the Prehospital arm of the Joint Trauma System for the Department of Defense.
The CoTCCC is composed of 42 voting members specially selected as subject-matter experts in trauma, battlefield medicine, tactical medicine, prehospital medicine and their experience in the deployed combat environment. The TCCC Working Group is composed of the CoTCCC and hundreds of subject-matter experts across many domains and liaisons from DoD, Government and Partner nation organizations.
The CoTCCC and the TCCC Working Group focus all of their efforts on providing the best recommendations for training and equipment for our individual service members, combat medics, corpsman, pararescue, and med techs going into harm's way around the world.